Thursday, March 11, 2010

What’s normal?

I’m not certain there’s a good answer for that question. It’s really all in your point of view - your perspective. Walking by my desk, you might see a head with no body, a few torso-less limbs, a one-legged creature or a headless body. For some, it might be a reminder of that well known tale, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow with the headless horseman. To me, they are just little bears waiting for the next step.


He didn’t stay this way for long, I promise.


  1. Okay Ginger, that's just plain spooky. Wait, I hear him humming ..Outta My Head Over You..
    Try humming that without a head!

  2. Cute, though! Just from the way he stands there and how he holds his arms you can get a glimpse of what a cutie he will be!!

  3. least if I looked like that I would have an excuse.......I got to my hairdressers appointment yesterday and she said" do you know your shirt is on inside out?"

  4. :-) I am glad to hear that. I have received a Sunshine award and would like to pass it on to you.Please see my blog for details,
    regards Juliet.

  5. The funny thing is that when I saw this, I thought to myself, oh a bear waiting for his head...... Haa ha, does this mean you are normal or not?
    Don't answer that one!!!!
    Margaret B

  6. That is a sweet post...I hope he gets his head soon!

  7. ROFL, well I often have heads without bodies, but don't think I've ever had a body with limbs and no head! Mind you I did have 2 little legs standing on my desk at work today that I'd just stitched the footpads into at lunchtime, which my neighbours thought was a little freaky!

  8. "OH MY! seems I forgot something!" Some days I too could forget my head if it wasn't connected...Too funny! have a nice day! hugs, Jennifer


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