Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ordinary Things

Writing a post here for bearbits is a pleasure and often I consider it an ordinary thing. So too was hearing my husband’s mom’s delight in reading about our adventures either in the studio or on the road. I imagine she would have loved Sebastian’s acquisition of his own car! She was one of bearbits most loyal readers.

Now we have to go forward only imagining what her response would be. And I can imagine it. I will tell you why.

A long time ago at my wedding shower, the guests were given an index card and instructed to give the bride (me!) advice for a happy marriage. Hers was as follows:

- Talk everything over.
- Have fun!
- Don’t let the house get to you. If he wants to go somewhere with you, drop everything and GO!
- Don’t wait until you are old and gray to go places you have always wanted to see together; your health may not let you later.
- Have some interests together and each of you have some you like to do with other people.
- Keep your sense of humor!

I found her advice in my keepsake box a few months ago, before she became ill. It was a happy find. And I am happy to know that without even realizing it, for the most part, we have followed it. She was a lovely person; one I am glad I could call my friend.

Now Jay and I and Sebastian will continue to heed her advice. We intend to keep our sense of humor and have fun! I hope you will come along with us for the ride.

Happy Trails PDB!

love & hugs,


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sebastian Gets His Very Own Car

If you remember from a few posts back, I found a car just right for Sebastian at Flow Mini here in town. I went home right away to tell Sebastian about it.


He was so excited he ran straight to his piggy bank and started counting his money. He wanted me to take him over immediately so he could check it out.

Lo and behold I found out there is a lot of paperwork involved in getting a teddy bear his own car, driver’s license and the biggie: insurance. I sorted through all that so all that was left today was to tell his motoring advisor Mike we were heading over to close the deal.

First Sebastian had to sign some papers promising he would be a very good driver


and that he had enough money to pay for the car.


Mike counted Sebastian’s money, marbles, dice and deputy sheriff’s badge.


Then Sebastian employed his big eyed pathetic look and sniffed a bit as Jock advised him earlier so he could keep his badge.


Mike agreed that Sebastian would look cool riding around with his badge so he gave that back to him.


Then, 97¢, three marbles and a pair of dice later, it was time for Sebastian to get the first look at his new car, a bright red convertible Mini. Mike did a terrific job of the unveiling. Lots of suspense for the little guy to be sure.


What a great motoring advisor!
Mike showed Sebastian all the bells and whistles on his new car


and then demonstrated how the seatbelt fastened.


Here’s Sebastian behind the wheel of his car while it was still in the showroom.


Don’t you love the sign they made for him?


And look at the license plate!


Sebastian was eager to take it for a drive so I had to give him a big hug and tell him to be careful out there.


I’m not exactly sure how Sebastian having his own car is going to turn out. He was pretty freewheeling before but now, the world truly is his oyster.


Sebastian and I would like to express our gratitude to Mike and all the great folks over at Flow Mini of Raleigh for all their assistance in getting Sebastian (and me!) our new rides!  If you’re ready for a Mini, they can help you out.  If they can find a car for Sebastian, you know they can find one for you! 


Also a great big hug to Heather for giving Sebastian the idea that he could have his own car.  I know our lives will never be the same! 



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Counting Pennies

All day long Sebastian has been counting and recounting his 97¢. Then a penny went missing and everything has been topsy turvy since. I told him that if he could find that penny perhaps we could go to the dealership tomorrow and see if he could work out an agreement. He hasn’t actually seen the car yet, but I have told him all about it and he is convinced that it would be perfect.


I do hope we can work something out soon because I haven’t been able to concentrate on studio work with him blathering on about getting a car. I told him his friends were counting on him, even going so far as to offer him a few cents to seal the deal if necessary. Wish us both luck – him for getting the car he wants at a fair price and me on surviving the experience!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Two Open Books

While Sebastian is counting his pennies in hopes of having enough to purchase his very own car, I thought I would post a few quick photos. As you recall, my current project I have tentatively labeled The Book Project.

And I have made a few as you can see below. All of these are closed and I had been thinking perhaps I needed one or two that were open.

For some reason or other, I kept putting it off. It may have been because I wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it. The other day I decided just to dive it and give it a go.

I started by making the covers from chip board. While they are not perfect, I think they will work out okay. The book covers are glued to the chip board.

I planned for the white one to be a butterfly book and the blue one is about giraffes. I meant to take more photos as I went along, but in spite of myself, I really did happily lose myself in this activity.

Each one has different end papers. I chose this floral paper for the giraffe book.

The challenging part was the open pages and getting them to look like a regular sized open book. While these are not bound and stitched like a real book, I hope I mimicked the effect well enough. Each page had to be glued in place. I know what you are thinking. Who in their right mind would spend a whole afternoon doing such a thing? Uh, that would be me.

That’s not the end of these little open books but that’s all I have right now. The rest of this project should come together fairly soon, but then I’ve thought that for quite a while now.

Thanks for reading – really. I mean it. Thanks.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Sebastian Car Search

It’s been a odyssey all over town trying to find an appropriate vehicle for Sebastian. There are a lot of cars, but


some are too big and


some are too black.


Even the small ones are too big and sometimes too black. I looked at a lot of cars. I had almost given up hope of finding a car that was just the right size until


I arrived at the Mini dealership where I saw this.


No. Not the spice orange one. The red one beside it. Can you see it?


I think it’s just the right size for Sebastian. He will be so excited. I can’t wait to tell him!


Monday, May 13, 2013

More on: The Book Project, Sebastian’s Car & a Piggy’s Homecoming

In my mind, that’s how I have been referring to this project so I it’s what I am going with for now: The Book Project. Between running hither and yon, it seems, I have managed to make a bit of progress.

One step was to create and finish the ceiling. I was going for a tin look. It might be kind of hard to see in these photos but I think it turned out well enough. When I showed it to Jay, he said, “What is that? Tin?”

Here’s the beginning: an ordinary piece of embossed scrapbooking paper.

A close up:

Starting the process with a few sprays of ink:

Mostly finished although it doesn’t look like much in this picture:

Here’s a close up of the finished portion:

The next thing on my list was to make some shelves for the books. Not anything terribly challenging there since they are very, very simple ones.

Above the unfinished shelf boards and below having been stained.

In the meantime, Sebastian has approached me with his latest endeavor. Can you believe it? He wants his own car! I am considering it but I would hate to tell him yes only to find out that there is nothing out there he can actually drive. I think I will drive around and see if anything is available. I will let you know what I find out.


And one last photo to I hope will make you smile. This photo comes from The Bear’s Blog. It shows one of my little piggies (the stuffed kind, not the toe kind) arriving at her new home. These kinds of things just crack me up and of course, I am ever so glad my little friends are well loved too! It’s a great story so if you get a moment, go on over and have a read.


Until next time,

Friday, May 10, 2013

Trial Run – Input Invited


Hi ho everyone! Sebastian here ready for the trial run of my proposal. Perhaps I shall call this Phase III. If you are willing, please share your thoughts on this presentation and how I might improve it. All suggestions welcome!

I am using puppets for my role playing. The girl puppet is supposed to be Ginger


and the bear puppet is supposed to be me. I have included some PowerPoint slides to support my proposition.


Here we go!



Click. Click.


Click. Click.


Click. Click.





So, what do you guys think? Are my arguments sound and convincing? Do you think she’ll go for it?

Please send any suggestions you have my way. I really, really, really want my very own car!

love & hugs,
