Monday, December 30, 2013

A Secret Project

I hope those of you who celebrated Christmas had a wonderful one. And now that it has passed into history, I think it will be okay for me to show you part of a secret project I was working on to be opened Christmas Eve.

This was a commission piece that I had a terrific blast working on. I love being part of a covert scheme!

I took this plain wooden box and

painted it one of the brightest shades of yellow I had in my paint box. Whoa! Put on your sunglasses!

Then it was time to add some crucial images that conveyed the theme. Looks like just a couple of steps eh?

Nah – when is anything just “a couple of steps”?

Painting the box and adding the images took nine days.

The best, and most nerve wracking, part was adding the other colors.

I knew where I wanted to go and how I planned to get there but I wasn’t absolutely sure if it would turn out like I had hoped.

This is a close-up of a portion of the back side.

This is the front of the piece finished


and a view of the back.


Hinge side:


Latch side:


I learned this technique about 4 or 5 years ago and was waiting for just the right project to come along to give it a whirl.

Now I’m looking to begin my first projects for 2014 and I can’t wait to get started!


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

From all of us . . .

to all of you, my blogland family and friends –

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Photo of life size nativity taken at Hollywood Studios

signatureJay  sebastiansigns   &    toph_signs

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Rare Opportunity with Mary & Bert

Hi ho ho ho.  Sebastian here with two, count ‘em two, blog posts in one day.  We had plans. Big plans. And naturally I was part of them. The plan was to do a quick turn around the World Showcase and then go sit in the air conditioned pleasantness of a dine-in movie theater to watch the new movie Saving Mr. Banks.


Then, as it often occurs at Disney, we just happened to come across some special people.  This time is was Mary and Bert. Oh, I guess I should explain. Mary is Mary Poppins and Bert, is well, Bert the Chim-chim-cher-ee sweep! I heard it’s very unusual to see them out together. You see she’s busy with the children and he’s busy jumping into chalk pictures on the sidewalk. Something I have always wanted to do by the way.

They were so nice to let me have my photo made with them. She was every bit the lovely Mary Poppins you have heard so much about and Bert was charming. Yes, I am short, furry, a little worn in places and have a quirky sense of humor but this lovely couple treated me as if I was 5 foot 4.

Seeing them in person made the movie that much more special to me. That, and the fact that no one saw me spill the queso on my tummy in the dark theater. I’m one lucky little bear – and tasty too – now.

Love and Christmas hugs,


Monday, December 23, 2013

A Christmas-y King Louie, Baloo, Minnie & Mickey!

Hi ho ho ho. Sebastian here. Even though by the time you read this I will be back home snug as a bug in my very own bed, I want to tell you about our brief stopover in Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios.

Upon arrival at Animal Kingdom we saw yet another gigan…gigun…oh nevermind. This is a big Christmas tree.

Just a short trip into the park I felt as if Christmas itself had arrived when I got a chance to meet one of my favorite bears – Baloo from Jungle Book.

He wasn’t alone though. He had King Louie with him and what a pair they made. These two were so funny! I could have sat and watched them all day as they greeted their fans.

And then being a generous sort of little ted, I invited my staff to join me in a photo. They weren’t too much of a bother.

Then we had the good fortune to be able to see The Festival of the Lion King. What a spectacular show! Just so you know I was in the “lion” section. For a bear, I can do a pretty good roar.

Then we headed for Hollywood Studios to see The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights. We waited for dusk to settle . . .

and then. . . ta-dah!

What an amazing feeling it was to be in the middle of all those lights when they were turned on for the evening!

Even though I have seen them before I am still amazed!  There were lights everywhere!

This year the show was synchronized with the Glow with the Show ear hats. So cool!

Ginger made a special effort to take a photo of these Dalmatians for Topher. His favorite Disney movies are the ones with dogs.

On the way out of the park we stopped in to see two of my favorite mice: Minnie and Mickey. Minnie is always so sweet to me even though she has lots of fans waiting she always take great care to say a kind hello to me.

We wrapped up the evening with a visit to meet Mickey the Sorcerer. He was funny and very magical.

He made the jingle bell on my Santa hat ring and then all his staff started singing Jingle Bells. That’s an experience you can only get at Disney.

What great fun! It’s no wonder he’s the boss!

We had a great time!

With Christmas love & hugs,


Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Fairy Godmother Christmas

Hi ho ho ho. Sebastian here sharing a few more photos. Just the other day we arrived here.

The bonus was seeing the train arrive in the station just as I took this photo.

See that Mickey Mouse shaped landscaping? Isn’t it festive? Not only is it beeee-autiful it is very seasonal.  It is created from many, many, many, many poinsettias. How impressive is that?

Just inside the gate there was another gigan…um…gigun…um…huge(!) Christmas tree.

How big? Can you see me sitting here is my staff member’s hand?

It was a bright and sunny day in Florida. And just behind this towering edifice we came upon a lovely surprise.

The charming and ever so lovely Fairy Godmother.

She was so sweet and I think I must have blushed all the way from the tip of my toes to the top of my head.

She made me feel just like Prince Charming! If everyone had a fairy godmother like this one, the world would be a much better place.

With that wonderful memory, I think I will leave it there for now.

May all your wishes come true!

Love and Christmas hugs,
