Wednesday, May 28, 2014

From the Porch

A few photos of our back porch at various times of the day.

The table has been used for breakfast, lunch, dinner and teddy bear projects.

We’ve had the wagon for a long time and now it serves as our coffee table.

A lot of natural light makes it a great place to work or read.

Sometimes it’s just Jay and me and Topher out here and

other times we hang out with friends – and we laugh a lot.

The rope lighting gives off a nice glow in the late afternoon and early evening.

The star lanterns, which were part of our plan from the first inkling of this porch idea,

are probably my favorite part.



Sunday, May 25, 2014

Found this last year . . .

and saved it, because not only is Red and Rover one of my favorite comics, it often presents a great message in a really sweet way. Take a moment today to remember.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hiding in Plain Sight – Part 2

As an addition to my last post I thought I would add these photos taken this morning of the mama deer returning to look after her babies – twins, I guess you would say.

I don’t doubt that she sees us watching her from our kitchen window or the porch.

Of course, we try to be very careful not to frighten her.

She stays alert for whatever is going on around her

while the babies are just glad that mom has come back because they are hungry!


This evening, we were lucky to be around when the mom returned. After she left, the little ones played a game of tag. So adorable.


Hiding in Plain Sight

We haven’t given them names, but we still have two baby deer living in our back yard.

One reason we haven’t named them is we can’t tell them apart.

These photos were taken over several days at various times.

I think the older and bigger they get the more wary they are of us. In other words, they are getting smarter!

Some days they hide in plain sight and other days they blend in with the vegetation.

One evening one of them walked into the weeds and seemed to disappear.

It reminded me of a scene from the movie Field of Dreams.

I hope you enjoy these photos and your weekend!

Until next time,


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Memories – a bears&boxes piece

Do you remember this photo in a previous blog post of a camera that I had created for a box in progress?

I thought I would show you the evolution of the rest of the box through to the finished piece.

Here are photos of the treatment that I applied to the outside which included transfers,

adding texture,

and paint.  This camera belonged to Jay’s grandfather.  It was passed down to Jay from his dad.

Details of the inside include the camera I made that I mentioned above,

photos in both color and black and white, and

quotes here and there. This one in a vintage slide frame.

The front and


the back.  I think this view of the old camera is a fun one.


The left side with more photos


and the right side where you can also see the teddy.


The left and the right.  My favorite bit in this piece has to be the really neat background paper that sort of inspired the whole piece.  It’s got kind of an Instagram feel to it.


I hope to post this piece and a couple of others for adoption from my website soon.  As always, thanks for reading!


Sunday, May 18, 2014


I like the word close because it can mean two things. It can mean being near with very little space between and it can also mean an intimate or familiar association. Then, of course, you have the word familiar which is related to the word family.

Here are a couple of photos of things close – close up.

Photo one:

and photo two.

Do you know what these things are? Maybe the first one is kind of easy. And maybe the second one isn’t too terribly difficult either if you think on it a minute.

The first is a detail from this bouquet of flowers.

The second is from this highly detailed drawing of the Toph-man.

I put them close to each other and I think they look quite nice side by side, reminding me of some special someones who are close – not always in a nearby sort of way, but in a close-to-my-heart kind of way.

My thanks and many hugs to jb, cb, sv and bh!
