Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Evolution or Revolution?

Last week I went through a box my mom had labeled ‘Bears’. Perhaps you know that she and I often worked together on clothing for my Scrapbook Bears. I would take her a design or a photo of what I had in mind and some fabric. She would use her amazing abilities to draft a pattern and then sew the clothing, which turned out better than I could have dreamt.

Because we lived an hour away from each other, she kept a box at her house with notes, patterns, and scraps of fabric. Going through it, I found she had kept my very first business card. I looked at it and it made me think about how much things have changed through the years. Back when I first started, you had to pay a small fortune to have anything printed in color. Ink, graphics, and paper choices were limited. I would have been over the moon to have the options available today to the small (micro, in my case) business owner. Now not only do we have the option of color, but we can have our own designs, various fonts, and multiple photos - on both sides of a business card if we so choose.

This was my first business card sometime in the mid to late 80’s. Colored and textured paper was a luxury, but I could only afford black ink.

This next one was before I had an email address or a website – probably sometime in the early 90’s. A nice card but still using only black ink.

I started my website in 1996 so this card has that listed. This is a relatively recent card I printed at home. Technology allowed me to use some color and only print what I needed rather than committing to hundreds of cards that I might need to change.

2009 – Now look at the options: small runs, two-sided printing, multiple photos and beautiful color. I would have loved to have had these choices available to me twenty-five years ago!

This is the front side, or maybe it's the back, of these most recent business cards.


  1. An interesting reminder of doing business in the 80's. I actually had to be quite stingy as to whom I would give business cards to because I couldn't afford to have that many of them printed. Thanks for the reminder of the many options available to us today! Vicki and the bears

  2. Even back then, that special gift you have, the artistic flair shone through!!! I like the first one just as much as the new ones!!!
    So creative you are!
    Margaret B

  3. yes, the technology allows us to do more things.
    pictures of the bears are very cute.

  4. What a lovely thing to find. When we sorted my ma in laws things out she had a chest with keepsakes in. There was a business card (when we had a menswear shop) and even a clean nappy/diaper of Amy's. Other stuff too, bless her. Its nice to look back, I bet she was rather proud of you.

  5. I believed I have the third one and I loved those 2009 ones (with photos), so lovely!!! ^^

  6. Isn't it amazing now! So many choices...I still have my first cards too! And they were black ink as well...and they cost a fortune!

    I love your little color card...very sweet!
    The brown one is very nice with a bear pic on the front...classy!

    Have a great day Ginger!
    Hugs, Nancy


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