Monday, May 18, 2009

I Have the Bug. Do You?

After reading my last post, you now know how I got the bug, how I ended up as an arts and crafts fair/show/festival kind of girl. It all started with my parents going to shows and me tagging along with them. There we met all kinds of creative people – artists, artisans, and craftsmen alike. Some of them we would look forward to seeing once a year at the only show where we crossed paths.

Our Saturday’s adventure took us to Artsplosure – Raleigh’s Art Festival. The quality of work at this show is amazing! A number of the juried artists travel from long distances to exhibit and sell at this festival, but there are also some North Carolina artists in attendance too. I’ve added a few of my favorites to my North Carolina Treasures link in the sidebar. And since I only have a time machine and not a transporter, I thought I share a few snapshots of the event with you.

One street view

Silk art in beautiful colors

I thought this concept was fun: Tea Bags!

By lunch time, this painting was taking shape.

Another street view

We wanted to purchase one or two of these wire art stars, but we forgot.

Speaking of lunch time: Pacific Rim style noodle dish cooked right in front of you.

Ironwood and turquoise - this guy has patience!

I can't imagine making these glass artworks, much less carefully packing them to transport them to shows.

Now's here's a real piece of art! What a creation! My daughter wants a dog just like this and all the others we saw visiting the show.

This owl painting caught my daughter's attention,too.

Here you can see the progress this artist had made by dusk.

I spent the most time looking through the photo prints by this artist. Looks like I'll have to put frames on my shopping list now.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun browsing the artists wares ... I'd have a hard fitting into the car if I went to something like this. One time too many we've had to search FED EX to ship for us.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. That was a really fun recap of what looked like a great show! Thanks for capturing it to share here!

  3. Hi Ginger...Oh, such treasures from your past. The sand dollars are lovely.
    It looks like it was a wonderful show. Lots of great art works to admire. The transformation of the painting is amazing...

    Thank-you for sharing,
    Hugs, Nancy

  4. Hi Ginger
    Love the pictures :o)
    I just dropped by to pass along a blog award. You can see the details on my blog

    Vicki xx

  5. Hello!
    I most certainly have enjoyed my visit. What cherished memories you have. Thank you for sharing.

  6. i love the pictures, the star are beautiful, and i like the ironwood too.


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