Monday, May 11, 2009

Looking for a Monday rainbow -

It is Monday here and I know it’s not always greeted with great enthusiasm. I don’t really mind Mondays. Weird, yes? I know. And it’s kind of drizzly, so I went looking for a rainbow to share. I tried not to leave my studio but I couldn’t help but include a few pictures from things outside my reach here – including . . .

this one of my daughter-in-law this past weekend after receiving her Masters in Music degree. I’ll just call this one In the Pink.

I’ll bet you think this came from my adoring husband, right? No, sorry. I received this yesterday from a waiter in a Mexican restaurant! ¡Feliz Dia de las Madres!

On my desk, I found orange on the card from my son and his wife and on a vintage pass to the oldest house in St. Augustine, Florida . . .

and yellow on some vintage road maps. Check out that classic swimsuit on the bathing beauty!

Green was everywhere it seems, but I chose this nose.

Blue, in all its various shades and tints is my favorite color – always has been. This blue comes from the Mother’s Day gift that my daughter created for me as a surprise. Cool, huh? But I wonder why she chose to paint it blue. . .

Then there’s violet. Some days these flowers look more blue than violet but today they're going to be violet – just between us, okay?

And last, but not least, a little bit of purple, just for grins.


  1. Adorable presentation ... I'll be back to see what you create next. Have a lovely week. Hope our MD was wonderful. TTFN ~Marydon

  2. Oh, the purple one is so adorable. Aren't colours amazing, the effects and moods they create?!


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