Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Posy says: “It’s time to fly!"

Thursday is a special day for us. Posy, the Pincushion Faerie will finally be able to fly away to her new home. She is so excited and I am too! Thanks to all who signed up for this giveaway – it’s been wonderful hearing from you all. I wish each of you the best of luck and am certain that Posy will be well cared for wherever she lives. She told me in no uncertain terms that since the bunny from my last giveaway was able to say her farewells to everyone it was only fair that she be able to say hers too. So, as it seems to be the tradition I’ve unwittingly started, I’m letting Posy take over the rest of this post.

"It’s time for me to flutter and fly and so I’ll say farewell.
So long, au revoir and goodbye to you, it certainly has been swell."

Farewell, Adiόs, Au revoir, Vaarwel, Auf Wiedersehen, до свидания, and Goodbye


  1. the video clip of posy waving goodbye is so cool! oh i'm so envious of her new owner... bye posy and best wishes.

  2. How cute is that!!! Bye-bye Posy I hope you're happy with your new family. They sure are lucky to have you!!!Blessings little one, Deborah

  3. Ohhh good bye Posy...I hope you like your new home...happy trails to you!...have a honey of a day - may sweet things come your way! Marlene :O)

  4. That is amazing how you got the bear to wave like that...what did you do? Did you wave a bushel of felted berries in front of her to tempt her? LOL!
    I guess you did it like the clay-mation people do! What a lot of work!

  5. I love you little one. I hope you will be flying my way. Take care and demand honey wherever you go. Hugs to you, Sharon

  6. Oh My Gosh, that is so cute, the waving Posy, too sweet!!!!! Bey bey Posy, have a safe trip ♥

  7. PS. HOW did you make her wave?? It is so cute. Sorry to be so nosy Posy, lol

  8. so cute posy! best wishes for her and the owner.

  9. OH I so hope she is waving hello to me and her new home with me!!
    Hugs, Lisa
    I can't wait until tomorrow!!

  10. I can't believe its time for Posy to go to its new owners. Say it isn't so. No, No, No,I CAN'T bear it.

  11. LOL.......I just love how you make these waving piccies Ginger...they're fantastic :O)

    Bye, bye Posy...hope you'll be happy in your new home :O)


  12. I just love the animation of Posy!!

    Bye Bye Posy, Hope you'll be happy in your new home and cherish for many many years to come!
    and handed down with tradition. Big hugs to you Posy!


  13. You write the cutest posts. And how did you get Posy to wave like that??

    Barbara Jean


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