Sunday, July 19, 2009

NYC Friday - Tiny people and all

I am a bit behind in my daily log so you might be reading about our Friday in NYC on Sunday instead of Friday or Saturday, depending on what part of the world you live in. It could still be Saturday for some of you which means I'd only be on day behind. If it's Sunday where you are, then I am two days behind. Did you follow that? Either way, I'm hoping you are enjoying the photos.

Our goal today was to avoid the extremely long line to get on the ferry to Ellis Island. We got up fairly early even though sleeping in seemed like a really fabulous idea. We arrived and had no wait at all to board the boat. On the way to Ellis Island, we dropped off some of our fellow passengers so they could visit The Lady up close and personal. If you look closely at the bottom of the following photo, you will see what looks like very very tiny people. That should give you some perspective on how large the Statue of Liberty is. Isn't she beautiful?

We did make it to Ellis Island. See the photo below. Until 1954, this is the immigration station where immigrants from all over the world would pass through seeking a new life in America.

On display inside the museum were some of the artifacts they brought with them for their new life in America. This teddy bear came with a little girl from Switzerland. She kept it until it was donated to the museum.

I'm including this shot because there are just a few places to shop in NYC. They deserve their very own posts. I'll have to do that after I've decided which places were my favorite and then give you a tour.

Contrast the above scene with the one below. Above is Manhattan and below is a neighborhood in Brooklyn. Very quiet by comparison. We had dinner with my nephew and his wife and we had a chance to see this neighborhood near their apartment that was built in 1878. It is one of Brooklyn's hidden treasures. Maybe you have heard of it. It's called Warren Place and each of these homes is only 11 feet wide.

New York City is big, busy, and bustling. Tomorrow, I hope I can show you today's photos. By then today will be yesterday and I'll still be two days behind - I think. Enjoy!


  1. Keep 'em coming Ginger, I am so enjoying this trip with you!

  2. these are some wonderful photographs from your NY adventure ... I adore the shot down the sidewalk (second to last).

  3. Lovely! I'm so glad you are having a great time! I love the old buildings in NY they are just wonderful!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. 11 feet,mmm....I don't know being 5'8" it might be to narrow for me and my bears. But it sure was neat to see. Oh that bear is so precious too. So far I have not had to talk to your bears. Keep up the great posts. Sharon


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