Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday NYC - Come Along for the Day

I've had a request to continue to share our adventures in NYC with the readers of this space. In fact, Sharon said she might even tell on me to the bears and that might not bode well for me on my return. So I shall continue on with our experiences on Thursday in the city.

This is the view we awoke to this morning after dropping wearily into our beds last night. Cool, huh?

We really should have had "TOURIST" plastered on our backs today because it would be the only way we could me MORE obvious that we weren't really from around here. Yet, we embraced our 'tourist-ness' and decided to get an overview of the city from one of the open air double-decker sightseeing bus tours.

Now, would you agree that this photo is classic New York with the skyscrapers, yellow cabs and the pedestrians?

This is one very unique building - The Flatiron Building, looks like an iron - reminds me of home. Not that my house looks anything like this but my iron does -shapewise!

After the tour, we walked through the financial district and saw the famous Wall Street bull and this view of Trinity Church which was chartered in the late 1600's and is located adjacent to the area where the Twin Towers once stood.

A photo of the exterior of the New York Stock Exchange - full of activity on a business day.

We had lunch at what was once called The Amish Deli and then wandered over to the apartment building where my nephew and his wife first lived when they moved to NYC almost five years ago. This was the lobby.

Then we took a stroll around Battery Park and this garden oasis was a one of many available for anyone to stop and take a rest.

We stopped for a light snack in the late afternoon, did a little more sightseeing, and then took a New York City cab to Harlem where we had dinner at this Barbeque restaurant.

I think we squeezed almost as much as we could into one day. Here's our view of the subway at night on our trip back to the hotel where we hope to collapse and sleep blissfully unaware until tomorrow. Then we'll think about what's next!

P.S. We had NO rain today - amazing!


  1. Oh I do love that ceiling in the lobby Ginger. Keep the pictures coming...I am enjoying this very interesting thread.

  2. What no chocolate?? What kind of place did you go to!?
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Oh I am so glad you are posting. Good girl. I won't have to visit the bears yet... You pictures are wonderful. The last time I was in NY I was three weeks old and to be honest the memories have faded. LOL Sharon Keep up the photos or else.....


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