Saturday, September 12, 2009

Less than two weeks left . . .

Yes, there are less than two weeks left before we draw the name of the lucky winner for Peeka BOO! We’ve added a countdown ticker in the right column that will tell us when it’s time to see where the little clown will live. Thank you to all of you who have signed up to be followers of this blog. I hope that when you visit you will find something to make you smile, giggle, or at least pause for a moment. To everyone who visits, even if you have stumbled here by accident, thank you for stopping by. I’m also hoping that in the next few weeks I can plan out another event. I hope you’ll return and be a part of the fun. In the meantime, it is getting just a wee bit cooler here in North Carolina. I know in other parts of the world, you might be looking at warmer weather. I don’t like being really, really cold but I do enjoy the things that cooler weather brings. Changing leaves, festivals and fairs, and getting together with good friends over a cup of something hot – although, we haven’t really needed an excuse all summer. I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy your fall or spring - whatever it happens to be wherever you are.


  1. Thanks you for kindness and warmly, you very lovely.

  2. Love this one! And I cannot wait to see if (maybe) Boo gets to go home with me!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Thank you for the high spirits you irradiate. Have a good Sunday!

  4. Coffee is a serious addiction of mine. Almost an illness really... so to say I adore this bear is an understatement. :)

  5. That is beautiful,I think the little guy is adorable. I am also a big fan of my coffee

  6. Hi Ginger...Oh, your little bear in a box is is the box!!
    You have such a great imagination. Love your story telling!

    Have a great week,
    Hugs, Nancy

  7. What a wonderful box...!!! i love the bear inside it...

  8. i really enjoy reading your post,specially when the bears discuss abour something.I can even imagine them talking to each other.
    the coffe bear is so cute.


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