Friday, October 9, 2009

A Nostalgic Halloween Treat

For as long as I can remember, I have always associated this particular candy with Halloween. Quite a bit of it would end up in our trick-or-treat bags. It seems the candy dispensers (adults) liked to buy this candy to hand out to the candy takers (costumed kiddies). Maybe it’s because it’s a bit nostalgic. After all, it’s been around since the 1880’s.

If you try to find it at other times of the year, you might not be too successful, but at Halloween it’s pretty common. Here’s my stash for the holiday (thanks Dad!) – a piece or two will do - until you get to the Indian corn and then you have the mellowcreme pumpkins. It must be that time of year.


  1. I have to say though, I saw "gourmet candycorn" at target, and was a little horrified.

    I've got to go get some of the classic stuff!

  2. This is the favorite Halloween Candy here at Twisty Lane. Memories!!!!!!!

  3. It does bring back those feel good memories! I have a tiny wicker pumpkin that might just be that size! Now I know what it's for! ENJOY

  4. I have these too! It cannot be fall and Halloween without it. My sister Carson just announced she has bought some to put in her jack-o-lantern jars I gave her! It is a must have!
    Hugs, Lisa

  5. Halloween would not be the same without "candy corn".. Fun Post!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  6. Looks good - You know, we don't get it at all in the Uk - What does it taste like?

  7. Some people love 'em. Some people don't. But the taste is a surgary sweet uh uh uh... Anyone help me here? What does candy corn taste like if you've never had it?

  8. Now that looks so decorative and yummy.


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