Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giveaway Winner!


We have filed, sorted, organized and managed all the entries. Now it is time to announce the winner. The random number generator gave us the number representing Doris of Spain! Congratulations Doris!

Noelle is so busy polishing up her Spanish that I think she has forgotten that she is supposed to be packing her suitcase – even if it’s just a little one! She is so excited to be travelling to a new country. I am positively certain she will love Spain.

Thanks to all of you for your entries and enthusiasm. These giveaways have been such great fun that I am fairly certain I will do another in the New Year but I have to give it some thought. Right now we are trying to get our Christmas tree lights to work and the ornaments hung. And of course, Thanksgiving is tomorrow so there will be lots of fun times to enjoy with family and friends.

Then, of course, there’s the tea party - The Christmas Tea for All the Toys. We have quite a few tea partiers making arrangements for December 5th, me included. I have my plans in place and am waiting for the party to begin. I hope you will join us.

Just now though, I have plans to go to the Post Office!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


  1. Congratulations to the winner Doris and Godspeed bear. :)
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  2. happy thanksgiving ginger to you and your family.
    congratulations to doris of spain....she is one blessed lady and bless you for the beautiful give away.
    angel hugs

  3. Congratulations Doris :D Thanks for the fun giveaway Ginger and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you :)

  4. Doris how lucky you are. Have a safe trip Noelle.

    Thanks for the chance to win. Maybe next time.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and i hope you can get your lights working.

    Hugs Pam

  5. Congrats Doris!!

    And I can't wait for the Tea Party either! XD

  6. Oh shoot are you sure it said Doris? Lol just kidding ;0)

    Congrats Doris it was such a wonderful giveaway.

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday.

    God bless,

  7. Congratulations to Doris. I hope Noelle gets to Spain in time for the Christmas festivities.

  8. Congratulations, Doris! I'm sure Noelle is going to love living with you in Spain!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Ginger . . . hope you have a wonderful day with your family enjoying God's bounty!


  9. That was such a fun giveaway Ginger! Congrats to doris! Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, Jennifer

  10. Congratulations to Doris! Happy Thanksgiving all!

  11. Congrats Doris!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
    Hugs, Lisa

  12. Congratulations!! Bear Hugs to you (^_^)

  13. Awww! But congrats to the winner. I amsure she is a kind lady and will greet you with hugs and kisses. By By sweet little Noelle. Maybe she will send a picture of you in Spain. But no bull fights please. Happy Thanksgiving Ginger to you and yours. Sharon

  14. Congartualtion to Doris!! Noelle will travel very close to me. I am Spanish too!!
    I am sure that Noelle spanish will be good enough :)

  15. i am happy!! .
    this week has ben a tought week, physically hard, i have anothe medical test tomorrow, (uggh), uncomfotable,painful.. but, at last in spirit i feel more optimistical, and cheerful, this adds to the cute an beautiful Noelle travel to my home, she bring us Joy! and Happynees!.
    thank you Ginger!, your creatins are beautiful , indeed, but also are made with love, and is easy see it in every bear (or elephant) the you make. Make this (transmit the love) is a gift.

    have a great thankgiving day!, i am really give thank to the fate,or life,allowing meet good hearted people like you.

  16. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, congrats Doris, Noelle is so cute!

  17. Congratulations to Doris! You very lucky lady!
    I know Noelle will love Spain.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you. Love the gorgeous tree in today's post, just beautiful!

  18. Congrats to Doris, and I am sure that the teddy will have a wonderful new home!

  19. Oh I'm sure Noelle is excited to be traveling to Spain! Congrats to Doris!!!


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