Monday, January 18, 2010

The Last Photo of the Game

Here we are.  It is time for the last photo of the Guess the Bears’ Names game.  Oh, so sad . . .  I like this game – it’s one of the few I have played where I knew all the answers way before the game even started!

It did not take you all long to figure me out.  I will post the answers to this crazy game on January 20th.  That and I will try to answer some of the questions that you all have asked about the bears themselves too.

Now, for the last photo.  I do love this one.  She is so very colorful.  You can see why I saved her for last.  If I had put her up first, the game would have been very boring indeed.

Here’s the last photo.  Send me your guesses.  You guys are great!


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