Friday, January 29, 2010

Lean in a little.


Sh-h-h-h. Lean in a little. I want to whisper something in your ear. I can’t say it too loud or I might jinx it. We might get some snow tonight. The weather people are predicting a winter storm. We hope to see some pretty white stuff, just enough for some fun. I might be up late waiting for its arrival. I love to look out the window in the middle of the night and see the snow falling – so peaceful and quiet. Sh-h-h-h.

Now I have to get back to my bears. I am going to start working on my next giveaway. It’s a good day to stay inside and sew. Snow and sew. I like that.


  1. Oh Ginger...
    Sweetie this bear look like she is going to be very interesting. I love the white hair. So long and beautiful.

    It will match the snow that you may be getting. I'm happy for you because you want it, and happy for me because I am far away from the snow. Lived it, moved away from it, glad to be rid of it. It is nice if you can stay inside and enjoy it, but it is the pits if you have to get out in it.

    Country hugs sweetie. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you at a distance.
    Love, Sherry

  2. I think the snow does give you that feeling that you can't go anywhere and no one will stop by...time to sew or craft! Enjoy your weekend! Stay warm! ♥

  3. wow, what a nice quiet time to work on a teddy bear. good idea.

  4. Debe ser una maravilla, poder hacer un osito precioso, como los que tu haces, viendo nevar por la ventana. besitos ascension


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