Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let the Game Begin

If you read my last post, you know that this one is the beginning of the game of Guess the Bears’ Names. Either you will know the name right away or it will take you a little bit of time to figure it out. As the game progresses, it will get oh so much easier if it isn’t a gimme already!

So, here’s how to play:   Make your guess in a comment.

That is all there is to it.

You can even take your time; think it over, make a couple of guesses.

When the game is over on January 20th, I will reveal the correct names of the bears. (I will be lenient if the spelling is not exact. I cannot be too picky when I make oodles of typing mistakes here myself!) If you have one or more guesses right, I will let you know how many. It will also be the number of extra entries you will receive for my next giveaway. (I’m still planning it but eventually I will have something to show you.)

I reserve the right to post other fascinating and interesting tidbits in addition to the game posts. After all, something interesting might happen here. Perhaps the weatherman will goof on the forecast and we’ll have a few inches of the white stuff and I will have to take photos. How could I not? OR It could turn balmy and everyone will be wearing flip-flops and short sleeve shirts with short pants. Oh, that’s right; they do that now – even when it is 20°F (6°C). Go figure.

Of course, the game. I do wander off sometimes.


Ready. Get set. Go.

Here’s your first photo.


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