Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Three Things You Cannot Do

I was considering all the wonderful worlds that have been opened to us because of the seemingly endless Internet. It allows us to read, chat, listen to music, watch videos and browse photos among many things.

Then I realized that it might be quite a while before the Internet can accommodate three missing things. You cannot get even a little whiff of the scent of something. You cannot get an itty bitty taste of something. And you cannot reach out and get the feel of something. I look forward to the day that happens.

In the meantime, if you could get the feel of something, I would ask you to indulge yourself by feeling the super soft mohair of this teddy bear.

Mm-m-m. Feel that? It is so-o-o soft. It is indulgent – like a taste of delightfully luscious chocolate. A raspberry crème perhaps. Since you have no way of knowing (yet) if I am telling you the truth, perhaps you might believe me if I said this teddy bear even smelled like chocolate.

But that’s not all. He has a friend. A little short fairy friend. She is oh so sweet – just like a candy heart. Remember those? The little conversation hearts that say things like “Kiss Me” or “Be Mine” or “Too Sweet”?


When I was in school, it was big deal choosing which hearts would go in the Valentines we gave out. You did not want your arch enemy getting a heart that said “My Love”! It’s not a problem now. My husband eats the hearts before I have a chance to read them. That’s okay though. I still have a few Valentines up my sleeve.


So it’s a wee bit early to wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day, but dear me, January is nearly gone and it will be here before we know it. If you want to see more photos of these teddies, they are on my website on the Available Bears page. While you are there, feel their soft mohair and try to get a little whiff of one or the other, depending on whether or not you prefer a Candi Heart or a Raspberry Crème.


  1. O!!!!!! This pink one is so...so... I can't find right words...! So sweeeeeet! :))))

  2. Ooooo I'm so sad that my car needs a MOT and I've not got the cash to buy either of these :-( beautiful bears as always Ginger xx

  3. Ginger,
    I love your newest bears !!!So sweet~~~
    May I ask what program you use for the little card lay outs.

  4. Розовый безумно красив!!! Очень нравится!!!
    Вы большая молодец и такой талант!


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