Saturday, February 6, 2010

Almost Sunday Already?

The other day I was thinking “Is it really Friday already?  Where did the week go?”  Now I’m thinking “Sunday already?”

I left my desk looking like this -

as_1(I have no idea what the little brass candlestick is doing there.)

with a few bears in progress, put a few things in a bag and headed towards the coast in the middle of a huge rainstorm.  I never claimed sanity.  (Maybe it’s time to go back for a visit with Dr. B.)

From our room we could see the rain pouring down, the waves crashing and the wind whipping the Palmetto trees.  By the way,I did not know that brave crazy person walking along the beach during the storm.

Then we awoke Saturday morning to improving weather.  We actually got to see the sun in patches here and there.

I have a lot of catching up to do.  In the coming week, I hope to compose a few posts doing just that.  Unless of course, I wake up one day and think to myself “Is is Friday already?”  This doesn’t happen to you, does it?


  1. Hi Ginger,
    Love the ocean views. What a difference a day makes. Sounds like you had fun, rain and shine!

  2. Time flies!!!!
    Nice to see you are so busy!

  3. Yes, only usually my days all seem the same. I wanted Thurs. to be Fri. last week and tried to get everyone to skip Friday but no luck! Hope the beach was nice. SUPER SUPER cold here!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. I love the brass candlestick tucked in there!!! You must have had some idea.... I will do that, get an idea and then completely forget it and try as I might I can't remember what I was going to do!!!!
    Margaret B


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