Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shall We Walk?

It’s Saturday and I thought perhaps we could take a walk through my neighborhood. As you may know, our flowers are kind of happenstance. To be fair, not everyone here lacks gardening skills.  There are some charming and neatly planted flowers on my daily walk.

I thought since we’re all such good friends now, you might like to come along for some glimpses of them from here and there, or is it better to say, hither and yon?

While I was composing this, I realized that I had been rather partial to a certain color that is abundant at the moment. It occurred to me that it was an ideal time to dip my toe into the Pink Saturday parade – at least once and see how it goes.

So put on your walking shoes and let’s see what we can find.

Let’s make our first stop underneath this beautiful canopy of cherry tree blossoms. Lovely.


As we proceed a little further along we see these trees that fascinate me – Redbuds. My husband and I tell ourselves every year we should plant one in our yard. Perhaps we will.

Here we are at our next stop where we can enjoy these azalea blooms. We do have one or two of these in our yard, but they haven’t fully bloomed yet.

Oh, let’s walk around this cul-de-sac. Look at these pansies. Of all the things we’ve seen so far, these are my favorite. I love the pink and yellow combination. It reminds me of the Peace roses we have growing beside of our house.


Here we are, right back where we started. That was quick! This pink dogwood grows in our yard.


Now that we’ve had our walk, would you like to join us on the porch for a cup of tea?


Thanks for visiting! There are loads of other people participating in Pink Saturday, too. You can find their links at Beverly’s place – How Sweet the Sound. Just click on the badge below.

Have a great weekend!!!!



  1. I love your pinks! Happy Pink Saturday to you! Please come join me too! I love the bears over here but that teacup and saucer is too precious! Hugs Anne

  2. Lots of Pink there! Sometimes the prettiest shades of Pink come from nature!! Hope you are having a great Pink Saturday and a wonderful weekend too! Sherri : )

  3. hi ginger! your pink saturday posting of the beautiful flowers is PERFECT!! what a treat for our eyes! (o: the cherry blossoms remind me of those pretty tissue paper flowers! oh, the pansy is too pretty for words. all of your pictures are wonderful. you're a great photographer -- thanks for sharing! (o: have a great weekend! (o:

  4. Hi Ginger, I just love that cute header of yours...Love all the Pink also...Do hope you will stop over for a visit...

  5. your neighbour's lovely, with such beautiful trees. thanks for sharing them! :)

  6. Happy Pink Saturday. Thanks for taking me for a walk through your neighborhood. The flowers are so beautiful. Here there is only a few tulips blooming and one lone cherry tree with blossoms. It is great fun seeing flowers already in bloom.

  7. What a lovely pink post. happy pink saturday

  8. Welcome to Pink Saturday! Love your beautiful
    pictures and the bears!

    Flora Doora

  9. Awwwww, what a lovely post. May have to buy some potted plants for the house now :D
    Thanks Ginger xxxx

  10. Welcome to Pink Saturday Ginger! Beautiful post. I posted about redbuds today too. Your blog is super! ♥

  11. Welcome to Pink Saturday, Ginger! The flowers are simply gorgeous! The pansies are such a pretty colour. I've never seen them that shade before. Thanks for sharing your pinks and have a wonderful weekend.


  12. Welcome to Pink Saturday. Your beautiful pink post looks like youv'e been doing it forever. Love all the beautiful pink flowered trees, you certainly had a fantastic walk.

  13. Beautiful! That was a great walk! Thank you. Happy 1st Pink Saturday!

  14. Очень красивые цветы!!! Особенно азалии...)))Удачи!

  15. It is a lovely day for a walk and tea on the porch with the new white lanterns.
    Also read about Blossom's new home and although I am sad she is not coming here she is not too far away. I'll just have to visit her sometime.
    After you refresh from giving everyone a tour of your place pop over for a bike ride.
    Happy PINK Saturday ;-)

  16. Thanks for the walk --I love looking at flowers. That little tea cup and it's friends are so cute.
    Welcome to pink Saturday. Stop by and sign up for my giveaway,

    Have a great weekend Elaine

  17. How beautiful, I have never in my life seen pick pansies. I will now have to search them out.

  18. Hi Ginger,

    How lovely to see you joining the pink joy. :) Great flowers and blossoms!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Greetings from Munich,

  19. Such a beautiful walk you took us on this morning! Thank you for sharing all your pinks - oh, and thanks for the tea, it was delish!

  20. Wow, what beautiful them all, especially the roses. Your little doll and bear and teacup are adorable!!!
    Margaret B

  21. What beautiful blossoms! The tiny tea cup and dolls are precious! Believe me, If I took a walk down my street I wouldn't find anything so lovely! Have a wonderful Pink Weekend, and welcome.

  22. What a sweet pink post - I'm so envious - nothing is blooming up here yet - well, maybe a couple of crocus. We won't see anything like this for at least another month and then it's scarce. Your photos are beautiful! Welcome and Happy Pink Saturday!

  23. what a nice walk around your block. The flowers are beautiful, I think we need more of those in my street....or maybe they're already there, I'll have to take a walk soon and find them. Happy Pink Saturday!

  24. What lovely blossom - here in London, it's only just starting, although today is lovely and sunny, so maybe it'll encourage things. Glorious colours! Happy Pink Saturday.

  25. Hi Ginger and welcome to Pink Saturday. Your blooms are simply so sweet and pretty. Spring is finally here... Happy Pinks,have a wonderful weekend.

  26. Happy Pink Saturday to you!
    It is a beautiful sunny Spring day
    in Upstate, New York. I have enjoyed my visit to your
    lovely blog - please have a wonderful new week.

  27. My your pinks are lovely!! We are slowly getting ours to bloom on my side of town! Have a super great extra special wonderful weekend!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  28. I am a teddy bear lover at heart. Love your header. beautiful pink flowers. Happy Pink Saturday. Welcome!!

  29. Happy 1st Pink Saturday, Ginger! Welcome to the pink madness! ha! Your header is too cute! You have my favorite trees, redbuds and cherry trees! They are so beautiful! Your photos are great! Love those pink pansies too!

    Have a lovely "pink" weekend!


  30. Hi Ginger...Oh, your pictures are so beautiful. We are too far north to have such beauty so early in the spring. So pretty!

    Have a wonderful week!

  31. Your header is sooooo stinkin cute! Luv your beautiful pics...the azaleas are my fav:) Hope you have a HAPPY PINK SATURDAY!


  32. Hi Ginger! The walk was nice and the tea with your dolly and bear friends was even nicer! Love the little cup and saucer too! I noticed you had a Christmas Tea Party? I am sorry I missed that, and am wondering if you plan on having another?? Nice to meet you today, and hope you're enjoying your weekend! ~tina

  33. Your photos are just lovely! From one Southerner to another, welcome to Pink Saturday!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  34. Ginger, thank you for sharing such wonderful bright and lovely pictures of the blooming trees and bushes!!! The colors are so great with the light coming through them!!! Wow! Your little bears are so precious also!

  35. Hi, Ginger,
    Yes, I would love to join you for a cup of tea! You found some lovely pinks on your stroll! I loved them all, but I am with you on those pansies. They are the prettiest of colors. I hope you have a beautiful weekend and welcome to Pink Saturday! Vicki

  36. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Ginger. I am glad you joined us, and I am glad that you invited us to walk with you.

    This is a gorgeous time of year for blooms in our area, and your photos are stunning. I've always wanted to plant a redbud, too, but I still haven't. I think I am running out of yard.

  37. I can't wait for things to really get into bloom here... right now it's still kind of withered and brown.

    And Dot is very pissed off at me. He has pictures he wants taken... things he needs to say.... and my camera battery has died, so his adventures have been going undocumented. I'm having to ply him with snacks to keep him from doing... something.

  38. Ohhh...that pink pansy is stunning....and Peace roses are amongst my favorite!

    : )

    Julie M.


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