Thursday, June 10, 2010

Iowa Travelogue 2


Wow! We made it to Des Moines, Iowa. I wonder what we’ll see here.


I thought you might enjoy seeing the capital building – the dome is 23 karat gold leaf.


Just to prove I was there.


These were interesting flowers. Everything’s new to us and interesting. Who knows when we might return? Might as well see as much as we can.


One of several sculptures in a sculpture garden downtown.


And from inside it looking up. See how blue the sky is?


This is what we like to call chocolate luck. We don’t actively seek out the fine chocolate shops but when you happen upon one – the nice thing to do, no matter how difficult, is to go in and look around.


Not to mention delightful . . .


and delicious.

Tomorrow we head for the Teddy Bear Reunion. I feel certain there’s more of Iowa to see along the way.

Thanks for joining us on our adventure to the heartland!


  1. Oh so pretty. Us Weebundles would love to see Iowa and blue skies. It's raining here.
    Have fun tomorrow!

  2. Oooh, Dot is just fuming now at all the goodies that are being experienced.

    He's so neglected, lol!

    I can't wait to see more of this little bears adventures!!! And oh wow did that Chocolate shop look lovely!

  3. I just finished my Mocha! It would have been so much nicer with one (or two) of those chocolates!
    Have a great time!!

  4. Thanks for posting this. I wish I wish I could be going to the reunion. I will have to hope I can see it through my blogging friends.

  5. Looks like it's been a fun trip so far...nice to get away! Good to have a quiet companion......he he
    Margaret B

  6. What stories will be told to the other teddy bears on his return! Enjoy your chocolate...and your trip! ♥

  7. Looks like a great day, especially the chocolate shop!

  8. oh,the chocolate shop, is a dream :D, i like the sculpture.

  9. I have enjoyed reading your blog about your trip. We have some very pretty rolling farm land here in the Midwest. I don't know the highway that you took to Des Moines, but I live about an hour north of Kansas City. Missouri. Enjoy your visit to the Midwest and I hope you had a wonderful trip.


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