Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This is kind of neat.

I don’t mean neat as in cool or clever. I mean neat as in tidy. My desk, as seen here, is in fact sort of orderly at the moment. I took this photo right in the middle of assorted projects – oh about 5 or 6 of them – and though it’s difficult to tell from this photo, I am making some progress.


See that sheet of paper to the right. That’s very important. I look at it every day. It’s a calendar of days left before I have to pack all my babies up and head out to find them new homes. Sometimes I glance at it and think – “Look at all that lovely time that is stretched out before me to accomplish my goals.” Two minutes later, it’s – “Oh my word! I’m running out of time.” tikon_2

In between, I sew.

From time to time, I paint.

Or glue.

Isn’t the joy of the journey the best part anyway?


  1. It certainly is a trap I fall into all the time.....thinking I have a heap of time and then all of a sudden I'm panicking!!!!! ARGHHHHHH :o)

  2. Hi Miss Ginger,

    Gee, your studio is so neat and tidy. Ours right now is a disaster, stuff all over the place. It's going to be a very stormy day today so we are working to tidy up things in the craft room. It's fun cause we get to play with all the things laying around. Sometimes we find little treasures too.

    Glue? Not when you are covered with fur. (o:

    Heaps of Hugs, Happy Tuesday

  3. I tidied my studio at the beginning of the month...it is still tidy as I've managed to put away what I'm working on when I leave the room...just mostly gathering materials for a couple of scrap book pages...Honey Bear looked in there this weekend and remarked that I must not be working on anything as the room was still neat.
    I am anxious to see what you're working on.
    Mama Bear


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