Friday, March 11, 2011


Tonight’s the night that you might want to consider getting tomorrow morning’s coffee ready ahead of time. Also, it might be a good idea to have your slippers right by the bed so your feet don’t even touch the floor. Consider that this might be the one morning the dog takes himself for a walk. After all, the Blooming Bear Online Show doesn’t happen every day – or even every month for that matter.

Seventy-five, yep that’s 75 to you, artists have been doing everything they can possibly do to create and have ready at least three new creations just for this show. And no one, except the artists and the show promoter, knows what they all look like – yet.

But the time will come at 8:00am on Saturday morning New York City time when all the virtual doors will be opened and we finally get to see all the bears (and their friends) in all their furry goodness. I’m just imaging that warm cup of coffee, those nice comfy slippers, and a contented pooch resting nearby while you click your mouse right into a teddy bear wonderland all from the comfort of your very own chair.

That is unless you’ve decided to spend the night with a friend then you might need two chairs and they wouldn’t be yours now would they? And of course, your dog might not be there either but I bet your friend might fix you a cup of coffee so all that night before stuff – just forget that.

Just don’t forget this:

Blooming Bear Show



  1. Wow you make me excited and want to go to it, and I am going to participating! XD What a great post about the show. I can't even begin to come up with anything as good! I can't wait to see what you have! Good luck with it!


  3. ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! Too nuch wine on a Friday nite ;o)

  4. oh how exciting, have a wonderful show x

  5. I checked them all out last night, hope you had a great show :o)


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