Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sneaking in.

Sebastian here to say a very quiet hello to you all. Sometimes I think you-know-who forgets that I read her blog when she is not looking. Nothing gets by me, let me tell ya. In the comments from yesterday, I see one of my fans requested me. I am certainly sensitive to such requests and will at my own peril do whatever I can do fulfill them.

For example, to get to this here keyboard, I had to shimmy down off the shelf where I was contentedly sitting, walk across the desk with that big ol’ sewing machine, and slide down the desk leg. Then I had to creep across the floor being careful not to wake my furry four-legged friend – not that he could see me all that well anyway, but he was taking such a nice nap I hated to disturb him. Then I had to get up on the roll-y chair. It was a challenge but I’ve done it before. And so here I am.

Now I’d like to tell you what’s going on around here. I can see it all from my perch and sometimes it just ain’t pretty. Take today for instance. I know there is another show coming up pretty soon and the bears don’t just show up knocking on the front door. They have to be created. That bit is really the messy part. I fear there is no other way for it to happen because it’s been like this for as long as I can remember.

You see this place called a studio is relatively spacious for a little guy like me. In fact we could have a football match right in the middle of the floor so you would think that it would be roomy enough to make a bear or two or five or whatever. Yet, I see you-know-who working in the only clear spot on her desk. Huge desk by my standards but alas, very messy hence the five inch by five inch working space. Go figure. It baffles me.


All this to tell you that I took the photos here at great risk to my furry parts. I asked her where her camera was and she said, “On my desk.” Egads! How was I supposed to find the camera under all that? Not only is it just a wee tiny bit messy (read: disaster), I found it a bit a scary with the needles (ouch!)


pins (ouch!) threads (I only tripped three times) and tools (you would think she was building a house with those things).


After that adventure I figured out that I am not kept on the shelf to be contained but am there for my own personal safety. And I realized that it is quite nice there – no hazards, just the occasional dust bunny, but we play cards and so far I’m winning. Not the most intelligent of creatures but great entertainment when you need some distraction from what’s going on below.

This is one of my new friends.  He wouldn’t sit still!  Newbies!


I do love my blog friends and it’s really nice to know you love me too. I’d invite you all to come and have some tea with me, but the last time I did that without advance notice . . . well, let’s just say we have a new rule requiring at least two weeks’ notice now and leave it at that, shall we?

Sebastian here wishing you
A Very Happy St. Patrick’s Day
& signing off in place of


  1. Happy St Pat's Day Sebastian, thank you for the tour!

  2. Hello Sebastian, It's good to know that you are back safe and sound after your amazing visit to the UK and across the channel.
    Be kind to those dust bunnies, they are made from the dust of past civilizations you know!

  3. Hi Sebastian,

    I am so happy that you are posting. Watch out for that voodoo pin cushion thingy - yikes.

    It sounds like just geting down from your shelf is an adventure. Be careful.

    I am at the beach for a few days and the Internet down here is "on island time". She has an awful time downloading pictures so we will send them when we get back.

    Have a beary fun day. I love you, Sebestian. Like the new kid too.

    Heaps of Hugs

  4. Thank you Sebastian, I truly enjoyed reading your post this morning. Happy St. Patrick to you too. Have a great day. A Missouri Friend.

  5. Hi Sebastian, it's Jack here. Man, I know just what you mean about those dangerous surfaces. My new place is on a VERY big sofa. I mean this thing goes on for miles! it's the size of a double bed, and there's at least 20 other bears on it at any one time, sometimes as many as 30.

    At one end there's the work tools too - spiky, sharp things, dirty things, soft things, bouncy things, rolling things, tie yourself up in a knot things - it's a dangerous place for a wee bear to venture! Still, Nanuke often rescues me, it's so cool to ride on a polar bear's back :o)

    One day last week I ventured up the room to the big desk *shudder* won't ever be doing that again, I nearly felly down a crack between the piles underneath, I'd have been lost for ever! I've heard tell of the camera crate beyond, and then of whole other rooms with a bed miles in the air, but I think for now I'll just stick to the sofa...




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