Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Final Score

I am in the process of creating a pair of wings for a bear sorely in need of some to be able to get some lift. After all, what is a fairy bear without wings but a grounded teddy?

I came across some photos of previous wings – before the fairies took flight. I had this brilliant idea. (Stick with me here.) I thought to myself, “How can I avoid vacuuming the strings on the floor of the studio?” “Oh, I know. Let’s play with the photo software.”

(Click to enlarge.)


Final score: Wings – 9 points. Strings – 0 points.

The wings win again.


  1. Anything but house work wins out every time. The fairy wing can fly away, but the strings will stil be there tomorrow.

  2. Wunderschöne Flügel sind es geworden. Ich liebe diese Wesen die du erschaffst und ich hoffe das ich Glück bei dem Giveaway habe. Weiter so ich freue mich jedes mal wenn ich hier vorbei sehe auf deine wunderschönen Bären.
    -- Dirk --

  3. awwwww they look gorgeous :) can't make my mind up which I love the best ... love mouse xxx

  4. *sigh* Such lovely wings...

    ps... did you get my email?
    Mister Tea might need a pal, Mister Coffee, LOL.

  5. Wait I do love the wings but reading Heathers comment about a Mister Coffee? I need that one!!!!

  6. @ Kays Kids - You are so right - and so wise! :D

    @ DBears - Thank you so much and I wish you much luck in the giveaway!

    @ Mouse - Thank you! They are loads of fun to make.

    @ Heather - We've sorted this out now but I do need to say Thanks for the 'sigh' . . .

    @ Kristen - I think you might have some company as there seem to be a lot of 'coffee' people - of which my husband is one!

  7. The wings are just gorgeous. Love the colours!! and love them all.
    I wish you a happy weekend!

  8. Die Flügel sind alle wunderschön.
    Liebe Grüße
    Heike & Henry

  9. I am so happy that I had a chance to visit today.
    I am preparing for a fairy party and all things wings are capturing my attention.

    I'd choose wings over vacuuming any day but I have no choice.

  10. это чудо просто.всё такое красивое и нежное.настоящие бабочки прилетели


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