Friday, June 10, 2011

Only Certain Guys Can Pull This Off

Our city is named after the famous and world renowned Sir Walter Raleigh and there is a statue of him near the city center. A couple of years ago I included a photo of him here but things have changed since then. Let’s just say his fashion sense has gotten a little more sophisticated. Only certain guys can pull this off.


He’s not dressed like this every day. Only certain times of the year when the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure takes place here. Of course he has to be dressed in pink. Anything else just wouldn’t be right. Now you know why I feel perfectly at home here – I’m not alone in my craziness.  Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

From his pink hat adornment


to his pink boot decorations


and everything pink in between. He is trendy without being too over the top. (Okay, sure.)


Um-m-m. What is that on his boot?


Oh, it’s Sebastian!


He heard me say only certain guys can pull this off. Sebastian wants to know what you think.  Is he one of those guys?

The ones who are comfortable enough in their own skin (or fur) to wear – not only pink – but a pink tutu?

Sebastian’s all about supporting the cause.

On this particular weekend Sir Walter and Sebastian are not the only things you will see sporting pink. Here and there you will find pink throughout the city like these lines in the middle of the road.


I wonder if we’d feel a little more buoyant in the winter if we looked down the street towards our capitol and saw these pink stripes. Could you help but smile?


The courthouse has pink ribbons and bows too.


The light covers along the sidewalks are pink as well. It looks like the whole of downtown might be awash in a pinkish glow.


One last look – it’s what all the statues will be wearing this Fall.


Have a happy and very pink weekend!

Oh yeah – I’m joining Beverly over at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday where everything is pink every weekend!

pink saturday logo


  1. I LOVE all the pink--how wonderful that your city really gets into the cause! And, yes, I think Sebastian is one of those guys that can pull off a pink tutu.


  2. I do not think you are crazy at all. Just saw a great fellow dressed in pink just showing off for Pink Saturday.

  3. I love it that this city took to the "pink" to support a good cause! That great. Thanks for sharing and making this a Hpapy Pink Saturday.

  4. heheh just love the pink look and your little bear Sebastian can pull it off too :) happy pink Saturday to you all :0 love mouse xxxx

  5. Sebastian you can certainly pull off a little pink. I love it. You sure do get around.
    Mama Bear

  6. You know a bears gotta do what a bears gotta do to support the cause.

  7. What a wonderful post! You live in a great city to go to the trouble to do all it has to get the publics attention about something so important!!! Bravo!

    Your Teddy is darling.....
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Wonderful post!
    Happy pink saturday!

  9. Oh Walt looks just fabulous dahling! And as for Sebastian, we think he rocks the tutu, although Jack's now casting a wary eye round for netting, can't think why!

  10. How darling your blog is. What a hoot!
    Joyce M

  11. @ Cheryl - It is pretty cool to see all the support the city gives. And Sebastian says Thanks!

    @ LV - I've go to go and check that out!

    @ Honey@2805 - I agree and thanks for stopping by1

    @ Mouse - Sebastian is beaming!

    @ Mama Bear - Sebastian says to tell you thank you and yes, he does seem to get around quite a bit.

    @ Kays Kids - Great comment. We love it!

    @ Jill~Say It with Roses - Thank you and we do love it here. Sebastian also sends his appreciation.

    @ Jorgelina - Thanks!

    @ Katy - You're just the kind of encouragement that Sebastian loves. He can certainly tell Jack where to find the netting for his own tutu.

    @ Light and Voices - Glad you enjoyed your visit. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Lovely pictures,love your sweet bear the best!


  13. What a great post! There is nothing like a sassy bear! Happy Pink!

  14. Pink stripes in the street? How incredibly wonderful.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Hi Ginger,

    These are great pictures! We are also in North Carolina; I get so excited when I find other NC bloggers because so far, I've seen more from other states and countries. And that's great too, actually. My husband's brother and his wife live in Raleigh. It's a beautiful and interesting city.

    I had no idea they dressed Sir Walter in pink for the Susan G. Komen race -- would love to see that in person! It's neat that the city goes all out with the pink. And your bear, Sebastian, is just adorable. How talented you are to create those!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. Enjoy your weekend.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  16. Love the way your city goes out to support the Komen run!! And Sir Walter is the best! The visors on his boots are quite fun!

    Sebastian rocks, too.

    Enjoy a wonderful Pink SAturday!

  17. I love your blog and I LOVE teddy bears! Very nice, I've become a follower.

  18. I love the way Raleigh does it up for the cure...and I am so glad Sebastian got to play his part, too. What a great thing the city is doing. I love Sir Walter’s outfit, but those pink lines and sewer covers are absolutely the best. What a great post this week. HPS...genie

  19. Too cute! And i absolutely love the name Sebastian! It suits him well. Joy! Miss Kathy

  20. PINK on Sebastian is cute, but not every day please. I like him as he is. As usual, Sebastian puts a smile on my face. Thanks!

  21. oh,Sebastian look so cute in pink.

  22. @ Leny - Thank you! That's sweet!

    @ TATA TILDA - Thank you too!

    @ Pom Pom - Thank you, too.

    @ Nancy - Yes, I agree. The stripes on the road were new this year - I think. I don't remember them before.

    @ Denise at Forest Manor - Nice to 'meet' you fellow North Carolinian. Sebastian says to tell you hello too!

    @ Aunt Snow - Pretty inventive decorations, eh? Thanks for stopping by.

    @ Melissa F. - How kind and thank you so much for becoming a follower. I have the best ones you know! ;-D

    @ Genie - I do think it's the small details that really make it something different!

    @ Kathryn Ross - Sebastian says to tell you thank you. He likes to think he chose it and I let him believe it. ;-)

    @ Наталья Мон - Thank you!

    @ Val - Oh, Val - no need to worry. I'm sure he's got other things in his closet and up his sleeve! Thanks so much for stopping by.

    @ Doris - Hi Doris! Sebastian says he is glad you think so. He's glad that one of his siblings is hanging out with you these days!


We appreciate your comments so much and love reading them! Thank you for visiting bearbits!