Tuesday, August 16, 2011

TBAI Gallery Piece Process

This project seems like ages ago now but I’m glad that I documented it as I went. Now I can show photos of how it progressed from being a plain, unfinished wooden box to a gallery piece for TBAI.

Here’s where I started –with the front masked off to protect it from all the hazards that surely ensue when I work with glue and paint and various other mediums.


I wanted the front to be more ornate so I went about adding some trim.


After measuring, sawing, gluing and much woe-is-me-ing, the trim has been applied.


Here’s the fun and sometimes tedious part – adding some interesting texture to the surface of the box.


One of many coats of paint that doesn’t look like much in this photo.


The color in the photo below is a little better and the photo shows the designs I added to the surface earlier.


Now I turn my attentions to adding a decorative paper to the inside.



An idea came to me for some shelves for the inside.  “Sure, no problem,” I said to myself.  Me thinks that sometimes it’s better that way – at least until it’s too late to turn back!


Yes, this is the shelf unit upside down.  I think the glue was drying at this point.  It’s very weird in my house sometimes.


Below a trial run to see how the shelf fits and a glimpse of the transfers in process for the edges of the box.


A close-up view of the shelf trim mostly because I love this shot.  It makes me feel very, very small – like an elf.


This shows the left side with the transfer paper beginning to be removed leaving the quotes in place.  I think part of the enjoyment of working on these boxes is getting to fiddle with tiny little things like these itsy bitsy chocolates.


A close-up of the transfer paper coming off.  Makes me quite nostalgic it does.  Perhaps it’s time to start a new piece?


An artful shot of the left side chocolates, quotes, and a milkshake on the right side.


A bit of the detail – yummy. 


Here’s the completed piece from the front – closed, of course.  Yes, there is a teddy bear in there.  A chocolate colored one!


Here’s the piece completely open – “Chocolate Dreams”.


The final photo of the right side with all the chocolate goodness displayed inside.  Just remember:  “All you need is love.  But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”  ~Charles M. Shultz



  1. Your boxes are always so amazing. Beautiful work, yet again. :)

  2. Hi Miss Ginger,

    BEAUTIFUL, stunning, amazing. WOW!

    I wonder if early one morning you will look at the box and see someone else sitting inside? The name Sebastian comes to mind. (o: Giggle.

    It would be just like him to do that very thing. And it would be fun to take his picture sitting there.

    Heaps of Hugs

  3. I'm dreaming of chocolate. That little box is full of temptations and
    and luscious love. With a bear as well.

  4. WOW! This is an awesome box. I love the wip and admire your talent and imagination.

  5. Always love to see Sebastian and his travels, have been doing some catching up with blogs. Do love this little box, very clever, you are so imaginative.

  6. Oh that is beautiful, one day I want to have a house with space for one of your boxy creations!

  7. Wow that is a fantastic piece !!!After my heart with the chocolate.
    A very talented girl you are~~~

  8. @ Heather - Gee Heather! You make me blush. Thank you!

    @ The Bear's Blog - You are too kind too! I appreciate your input. Sebastian says it would be a fine idea if it was still around but it left before he had a chance to climb inside!

    @ Kays Kids - You know that saying? Some people dream in color, I dream in chocolate? Fits you to a T!

    @ maddyrose - So nice of you to say such sweet things! Thanks MR.

    @ Roberta - Glad you had a chance to stop by and see what craziness has ensued. Thanks for your comments.

    @ Katy - And it would be an honor for me!

    @ Bonnie - Thanks for that and for referring to me as a girl! You get extras sprinkles!

  9. Your chocolate box was truly a stunning piece of work! We all loved EVERYTHING about it--it was in first place on our ballots.



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