Thursday, November 17, 2011

Candy Canes & Gingerbread

I thought I would share a bit of a festive preamble to the upcoming Christmas holidays. Two of the following photos I did not take. Nor have I seen them in person. I very much wish that I had. I doubt the chances are very good that I will before the season is over but I think these are very, very cool. And when I come across something that perhaps you will enjoy as well, I try to share. Check these out. These are holiday overlays on Cinderella’s castle at Disney World.

One with candy canes . . .

Photo by Mark Goldhaber

and the other with a gingerbread house theme.

Photo by Mark Goldhaber

And I thought when I took this photo last year that the castle draped with icicles looked amazing. I wonder what they will dream up next?!



  1. Magical, they are wonderful although I do like the icicle one the best.

  2. wow!! i love the last one!! my favourite colors!

  3. Hello Ginger. WOW..these are absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for sharing them.

    Wishing you a most wonderful and joy filled Thanksgiving.

    hugs, doreen

  4. I always think it must be so much fun to work somewhere like Disney as a designer, and getting to think up new ideas constantly for each season and 'holiday'. Funnily enough, these are never the jobs the careers adviser tells you about at school, they must be trying to keep the fun to themselves ;o)

  5. How do they do that...Wow, beautiful.
    Mama Bear


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