Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sebastian’s Grand Endeavor – Part II

I am not certain that this was a brilliant idea but Sebastian certainly thought it was. What idea is that you may be wondering? It is the one where I suggested to Sebastian that perhaps he would like to make his own bear. You read that right. I suggested he make his own teddy bear. Oh dear me. I don’t think I’ll ever learn.

Nevertheless, he peppered me with questions about how he should begin and what the process was and he was so very enthusiastic and after all the sighing from before, it was a welcome change. I dutifully documented his grand endeavor with photos. Here they are:

“Where should I start?” he asked. I suggested he should begin by drawing his design on paper. “What do teddy bears look like?” he wondered. “Oh Sebastian, you know what they look like, you see them around here all the time.”


What he really wanted to know was what he looked like, so I gave him a mirror. I think he wanted to make a bear that looked like him.


First he drew the head.


This is what his final concept looked like.


He was okay cutting out the fabric,


but when it came to sewing the pieces together, that became my job. He like the stuffing part though. Here he is stuffing the head.


I gave him my big box of buttons so he could choose some eyes – that was a pretty smart move on my part. Do you know how long it takes to rummage through a box of buttons? I actually was able to accomplish a few things while he was searching. Here he is sewing on the eyes he chose.


Then there was more stuffing and stuffing and stuffing – arms and legs and body. He asked me if I spent as much time stuffing as he did. My answer: “Um, yeah.”


Then I showed him how to sew up the opening and he pursued that activity with great vigor! He knew he was heading into the home stretch then.


At last, he completed his teddy and here he is holding it up so you can see it.


“Let me take a photo of you both, Sebastian. Look around here, please.”


Now he has someone new to share his secrets. He also understands why I am at my table so much. Making new friends takes time.



  1. What a classy and original!!! I like))) Natalie)))

  2. yeahhhh he did it :) wonderful job Sebastian :) and now you have some one to talk to and play with too :) love mouse xxxxx

  3. Hi Ginger,

    Oh boy, this has caused some whining and pouting around here. Prudence is upstairs pulling out all my mohair and other fabrics, I shutter to look into my craft room.

    She says "hello" to Sebastian...(what was that, Prudence?) oh, and that she loves his pawmade teddy bear.

    Both of Us

  4. Well done, Sebastian. We love you're cute little blue bear.

    Bellamine & Wendy

  5. OMG, I called it... BWAHAHAHAHAHA... his little bear is so stinking cute!!

    Great work, Sebastian, but now... are you going to sew an army?!

  6. Good job, Sebastian!! I'm so glad that "you-know-who" came up with this idea for you.

    Heaps of Hugs,

  7. Congratulations to Sebastian on making a new friend. He looks like he can keep secrets and would probably like to share adventures.

  8. Awww... How cute is that?! Sebastian and new friend are adorable as always. I'll have a smile on my face for the rest of the day - thanks! =)

    Ani in Wilmington

  9. I am so loving your bear photos! Especially the header! :-)

  10. Phew, what a lot of hard work for one so small to make one so big! Well done Sebastian, but we think we'll stick to watching others doign all the hard bearmaking work...


    Jack & The Clan

  11. Well done, Sebastian!!!! Your friend is too cute!

  12. Hi Sebastian, You did the bestest job on that teddy bear. Whatcha gunna call him. He needs a name if he is to be a mate. You chose the eyes very well. So much stufin goes into a bears. Granny has piles and piles of the stuff. Did it get up your nose?

  13. Well done Sebastian! Your bear is lovely. Has he got a name yet?

  14. oh so cute!! well done Sebastian!!

  15. Sebastian: Good job on the little bear pal! He's very cute!

  16. What a great idea! So cute, I love the ribbon and choice of eyes. :) Great work Sebastian!!

  17. Hi there! I'm a new follower! Your bears are just so adorable and I love your storylines! :)

  18. Preciosa puesta en escena, Sebastian ha salido muy creativo y le ha salido un nuevo amigo muy simpático.

  19. Oh Sebastian you are so creative and talent just flows from those cute paws. I am so proud of you.!!!!!

  20. Sebastian was right it was a brilliant idea. I like his bear.

  21. Love Sebastian & his Mom. You do a great job. Enjoy reading all you do.

  22. Que gracioso està este osito con las gafas !!
    y que talento tienes tu para fotografiarlo de manera que parece que tenga vida propia !!
    muchisimas felicidades Artista !!

    ** . * . . . . * . * . Un besito
    .. * . (\ *** /) * . * cielo
    .* . * ( \(_)/ ) * * . que tengas
    .* . * (_ /|\ _) . * . un buen
    .* . * . /___\ * . . * dia

  23. Wow, Sebastian, you made him almost as big as yourself...and he is so did a great job.
    Mama Bear


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