Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shop Windows

Being a visual sort of person, I was fascinated by the different and creative shop windows I saw in London and Canterbury. There were loads of them, but I only photographed a few. There are probably some pretty creative windows here where I live too but you know how it is, I live here. I probably take them for granted. Perhaps I will rectify that one day but for now, here’s a few of the ones that caught my eye while overseas.

sw_1A clothing store – of course we had to stop and look.  Mannequins with animal heads!

sw_2A coffee shop.

sw_3Another clothing shop.

sw_4A shoe store – the seat & fenders of this bike were covered in canvas type floral fabric.

sw_5The first UK  Hi Panda store – clothing for youth from a Chinese designer.

sw_6A fabric shop in Canterbury – a very stylishly colorful window.

sw_7So, at second glance, did you want to look like the gorilla, the lion, or maybe the hippo?


  1. I can't say I have seen clothing stores with animal heads on the models. It certainly would make your look twice.

  2. I've always seen myself as a hippo really...


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