Friday, June 29, 2012

BIG & little

Currently, these are on my desk.


I know you cannot tell much from this photo. I was having a bit of fun playing with my camera. This is what it looks like without the special effect. These are my little projects in progress.


I am also working on what I am calling a big project. Not big in size necessarily but big involvement-wise. Here’s a peek at part of it. The little things are a big part of the big project.


I am taking photos as I go along to try and document how it came together. I hope when I am finished I will be confident enough to call it

b&l_4(taken outside an art gallery during our trip to the beach last weekend)

When it’s complete, I plan to step back, look at the finished piece, take a big breath and then relax on the porch in my favorite rocker – for a little while anyway.

b&l_5(taken outside a shop – also last weekend – I’m ready to go back!)



  1. I can see three little body's that might become bears. Yippee..... Then a big ART sign, Hmmmm. I must not guess until it is finished.

    1. Hi Kays Kids,

      Yeah - these little guys have been waiting and waiting for me. I hope they will be happy not to be plopped down on their sides after I'm finished with them. Do you like the ART sign? I saw it from the other side of the road and told my husband, we have to turn around. Not that anything surprises him anymore - he's used to it by now. Ha ha!


  2. We don't believe you'll relax in that rocker, we know you tease LT about how much she gets done, but we know you do LOADS too ;o)


    Jack and The Clan

    1. Hi Jack and the Clan,

      I fear you may be right but I'm going to do my best to accomplish the goal. If I take an iced tea and a book, I figure I'll have all the right tools. You guys are great and I'm sure LT is very entertaining to all of you in The Clan.


  3. I don't know how you work with such small you ever get cramps in your fingers....
    I like the softened, pastel effect.
    Mama Bear

    1. Hi Mama Bear,

      Big pieces or small pieces - after a while I believe they all work on my hands but I try to be very careful and not overdo.

      I'm with you - I like the pastel effect too!


  4. Hi Miss Ginger,

    Thank you for dropping by and wishing our girl Molly Brown Happy Birthday wishes.

    Have a wonderful weekend, and please be careful in the extreme heat.

    Hugs ♥
    Prudence & Family

    1. Hi Prudence,

      I hope you all have a fun day! Happy weekend to you too. Stay cool!


  5. Ginger, what city and shop for the photo with the porch rockers? Can't wait to see who will emerge from the pile o' parts!

    1. Hi Ani,

      It was called the Lazy Gator at Murrells Inlet. It reminded me of St.Nick Nacks at Calabash but woth more room. It was pretty interesting to browse there.

      If you go, you'll pass the giant art letters!



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