Monday, June 18, 2012

birch & bears

I know this is an odd pairing but it makes sense in my mind. But then, a lot of things make sense to me that others would find peculiar.


Let me begin by saying thanks to all of you who offered your input on my last post about my foray into creating a smaller bear. It certainly helps to know what you think.

Now I am undecided about this little one. It was an experiment as well. I just had to see how the pattern would look in a different fabric.


It certainly turned out different – same pattern turned out smaller without even trying. I’m sure it’s the fabric. It probably doesn’t have as much give as my mama used to say.


Here he or she is next to the others. They are looking at him or her with some curiosity, although the little bear less so.


Back to the birch – it is connected to my current project of which I have nothing to show. It’s all up here. Oh you can’t see me pointing to my head. Just as well – not much to see anyway. I do plan to document my progress and I’ll post photos here when I get it sorted out.


In the meantime, I am also working on Mr. In-between. Mr. In-between – or so I’m hoping – should measure somewhere between the bigger bear and the littler one.  That means I better get crackin’ because I only have two hands (darn it!) and just a mere 24 hours in the day (some of which I spend sleeping blissfully).




  1. he looks a bit lost, like he got plopped down in the middle of the playground on the first day at the new nursery school. Good thing there is a kind bear not too much bigger ready to be his friend

    1. Hi Ladytats,

      What an appropriate observation! He does look like that doesn't he? He'll have lots of friends though - in just a minute! :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oh ginger, I love your thoughts for names. Mr In between sounds wonderful. How beautiful is that bark from the Silver Birch tree.

    1. Hi Kays Kids,

      Mr. In-between may be a temporary name - we'll see if it suits him when he's finished. I, too, love love love the bark. So pretty. Wish we had them growing in our yard!

      Thanks, Kay!

  3. Sleeping is for wimps ;o) Loving the wee guy though :o)

    1. Hi Katy,

      Coming from you, this does not surprise me. It is very possible, by your definition, I could very well be a wimp. I'll only concede that in the need for sleep though! Can't compete with you, I'm sure!

      Glad you like the little one.


  4. I look that picture of the 3 bears sitting together! It's wonderful seeing all the tiny ones. Keep them coming!

    1. Hi Val,

      Thanks Val! I keep working on it. It would be nice to be quicker about it but then, it might go too fast. Thanks so much for reading!


  5. Birch trees are always so pretty! Interested to see what you are thinking up. And the little bear is so adorable! Such a cute expression and he looks just like a teddy bear should. :) I love how artist bears look so alive! So how big are these little bears? About half the size of Sebastian?

    1. Hi Kay Joy,

      I agree with your comment about birch trees. I find them fascinating - the bark is so curious looking - and the color! Thanks for your comment on the tiny ted! The largest bear is 4.75", the blond colored one is slightly less than 4" and the newest one is 3.75" tall. Your guess is just about spot on - Sebastian is close to 6" tall.

      Thanks bunches!

  6. Oh my, he's just too precious too. These tinier bears are killin' me!

    1. Hi Heather,

      Who knew such power came in such small form? Had I only known! Perhaps I would have skipped that last doughnut - oh wait - it's the tiny doughnut that has such power! Now I get it.

      Thanks bunches dear!

  7. Awww...I love these tiny bears!! The new one is just precious!

    1. Hi tattabug,

      Yea! I'm glad. They are quite fun to make so it helps to know someone besides me like them.

      Thanks bunches!


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