Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Sandy Feat


Sebastian told me it was time I got my lazy bones up off the sand and showed you some photos. He insisted I show you his photo first. It’s much easier just to comply in some cases so here it is. This is that special effects treatment which he thinks makes him look rather artistic. I like the little boy in the background so intent on his shovel.


I needed to narrow my focus for this post, because I had too many photos to include them all. Not only that, they were all over the map. So I decided to keep it to the single theme of sand. It was a feat – a sandy feat. Yet, I did it and I hope you enjoy these glimpses of North and South Carolina sand.


It’s pretty easy when Mother Nature presents you with interesting subject matter.


It also helps when you find someone has left an artistic creation on the beach.


Just over that rise, in the photo below, is the ocean.  It was a lovely afternoon.


It seems like the sand is an open and tempting canvas for anyone who wants to leave a mark – h0wever temporary.  I think this one says it all.


Have a lovely Sunday!


  1. We used to make those "dribble castles" at Lake Michigan - love your sand photos - makes me want to head for the Jersey shore. Love, Linda

    1. Hi Linda,

      I'm glad you like these photos and glad they've inspired you. To me the beach and the ocean is magical in so many ways!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. It sure look like it is Summer over there. Sun, sand and fun. Sebastian, I think your special effects photo looked like you were on the sea.
    Only 21 more sleeps until camp....
    Hugs Wilbur.

    1. Hi Wilbur,

      I hope you have a fun and exciting trip. It'll be here before you know it! Sebastian is lazy bones today so I'm supposed to tell you hello for him.


  3. Well after seeing that we'd like LT to stir her lazy butt and find us some sand! She says that the nearest sand is about 40 miles away, and it keeps raining outside, but we think she's just making excuses...

    Jack and The Clan

    1. Hi Jack and the Clan,

      I have to say you might need to make a list for Miss LT. She's very busy you know. I'm sure if you told her you would let her sew while you drive she might be more inclined to book your reservations. :D


  4. Hi Sebastian,

    It looks like you had a cool time on the beach. I hope you made loads of sandcastles. We live near a beach but the weather is so bad I haven't been able to get down there.



    1. Hi Jock,

      If I may be so bold, I must tell you Sebastian is being a beach slug. The heat must have gone to his head. He's sitting under the shade, sipping a cold lemonade and snapping his paws for refills. Hope your weather improves. Maybe you can be a beach bum too.


  5. Ah yes, the beach! The sounds of the ocean, of children squealing when the waves of chilly water washes over them and the endless fun of building sandcastles! Much fun to be had by all.

    One thing I notice, living on the coast (Wilmington, NC),is the smell of the ocean. I love to smell the saltiness of it the closer I get to it. I once tried moving away from the coast but missed the ocean so much I moved back as soon as possible.

    I use to live right at the waters edge many many moons ago. There is nothing more magical than to go down to the ocean at night (a calm night, no stormy weather!) and kneel in the surf as the waves come up and sparkle with the luminous microscopic creatures that are always present but only visible at night!

    I think I might go down to the water this afternoon and play. Thanks for the beautiful photo essay! Ani and the bears

    1. Hi Ani,

      There's definitely special sights sounds and scents to the ocean. I've loved it all my life. Day or night, in calm or storm the ocean is awesome. I can relate to your story! Very lovely. So if I were in your shoes, I'd kick them off, put on my swimsuit and jump in! Enjoy playing!


  6. Sebastian? Where are you? Did they leave you behind again?


    Prudence ♥

    1. Hi Prudence,

      Um - Prue, didn't you see the artistic photo of me? You worry way too much!


    2. PRUE? You called me PRUE? Have I ever called you Seb? Or Seba? Huh? My name is P R U D E N C E.

      A sketch doesn't mean you were at the beach in "furson". Yes, I saw it.

      PRUDENCE ♥


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