Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sebastian’s (& my) Surprise

Once a upon a time . . .

One day last week I found Sebastian perched atop the mailbox.

“Hey there Sebastian! Whatcha doing?”

“Oh, you’re waiting for the mail. Are you expecting something?”

Sebastian waited all day and what do you know! The mail carrier left a package.

“Who is it for Sebastian? Can you read it upside down?”

We took the box inside very, very carefully.
“Would you look at that! It has a picture of Kidogo on the front.”

Kidogo and his very sweet person sent Sebastian (& me) a surprise!

But first, Sebastian had to read his letter from his friend.

I won’t show you the entire letter, but it’s really very cute. Sebastian understands he has a very long name and it can be hard to spell if you are new at it.

He and I both got excited to see all the wonderful delights inside - some very Cherry Berry Jam and some Cherry Berries. “Sebastian, could you at least wait to try them until after I take just one photo?”

And like many who are young at heart, Sebastian wanted to play in the box.

The last time I saw him he had settled in nicely and was preparing to write in his new journal – which was just his size.

Now that I’ve told you all about these very Cherry Berries and the Jam, I think it might be time for a little something as Pooh bear would say. That Kidogo and his person, they are something else!

. . . and they lived (& ate) happily ever after.



  1. All those cherry berries sound deeeelishious.
    Some jam on a scone would go down well.
    Hugs Wilbur

    1. Hi Wilbur,

      The chocolate cherry berries are delicious. I'd invite you over to have some but by the time you got here I fear I may have eaten them all. A scone? A scone? We hardly ever have scones. We can get them at some of the places here but this is where biscuits are! Not the sweet biscuits that you have with tea but the soft, fluffy kind that is just right for jam. Hm-m-m-m. I think it might be time for a biscuit and some jam. Thanks for the idea Wilbur. Have a scone on me!


  2. Oh that is so sweet. Take care Sebastian. Don't eat them all at once.

    1. Hi Miss Lady Sharon,

      It's nice of you to stop by. How is my good and fine friend Teddy? Is your weather any better? Has it stopped raining? It is getting warm there?

      I am going to have a biscuit and some jam. I will have the chocolate for dessert. Actually, you-know-who says that the whole thing sounds like dessert to her. That's okay too. I'll have dessert for breakfast!


  3. Replies
    1. Hi Eliana,

      What a fabulous name! Thanks so much for your comment.


    2. Hi Eliana,

      How nice of you to say I am cute. Oh, you didn't say I am cute, now did you? You said the post was cute. So thank you for that because well, I'm in the post too! If you don't mind my saying, that is a cute icon you have there! Thank you for stopping by and reading about our surprise. We LOVE visitors and we LOVE comments!


  4. What a fun post filled with lots of goodies for all to enjoy. Don't eat those things all at once Sebastian or you'll get tummy ache. Don't ask me how I know that...


    1. Hi Jack,

      I won't ask but I trust that the information comes to me with good intentions. I know you only have my welfare at heart. It is difficult to resist eating more than is good for me but I will try to remember your advice. You're a good friend.


  5. The mail does take a long time to get here when you are waiting for packages! :) But the treats look great, so I am sure they were worth the wait! Yes the playing in the box that is bigger than you is always, always fun. :)

    1. Hi K&K Designs,

      I did get a little feeling something good would arrive soon. It was kind of like waiting for cake to come out of the oven. I love boxes and this one had some nice padding and cool bits inside too.

      Thanks for 'getting' it!


  6. Hi Sebastian,
    I get your name right 'cos I have spell checker, otherwise I'd have problems too. You look as if you were having fun sitting on your mailbox. We don't have them here. I hope you didn't get a hot bot 'cos I hear it's hot in Norsestralia. I would ignore that spoilsport Jack, he's just jealous. Go mad, eat the lot.

    1. Hi Jock,

      Good for you. I'll have to check into that spell checker thing. The mailbox wasn't a terribly comfy seat but it was alright for the time I was there. It wasn't really hot but then we aren't anywhere near Norsestralia. Now here in North Carolina it might be extremely hot and humid in August but that's a while from now and I don't worry about that just yet. I like your advice. Maybe I will go mad and eat the lot! Wanna join me?


    2. Sorry about the geographical confusion, I'm only wee and I have a lot to learn. I'd love to come and join you, just think how much mess we could make with the cherry berries, hee hee. Sadly, I won't be able to make it 'cos I can only go where he takes me, and next week that's Germany. We will be in Philly in July if there are any berries left.


    3. Hi Jock,

      Don't we all have a lot to learn?! I'm sure we'd get into a lot of trouble so maybe it is better that you go to Germany. That sounds like a very nice place to travel. Then the USA - how lucky are you?! My my. You put me to shame but then, like you, I can only go where they take me and right now, it looks like I'll be enjoying this Southern sunshine for a little while long. Have fun on your journeys! Can't wait to read about them!


  7. Oh Sebastian... yes, Kidogo isn't the best of spellers. He doesn't much like bees either, so I think maybe anything even remotely to do with spelling is out for him. :)

    I'm glad the package got there safe and sound!
    I do hope you enjoy the chocolate covered cherries and the jam!

    Those are Michigan specialties! :)


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