Saturday, October 6, 2012

Potions & Concoctions

Some of the last details that I created for my witch hats project (photos of it completed in my next post) were small bottles of potions and concoctions. Making them was quite messy but a great educational experience. Everything I did was full of choices – it nearly wore me out! What kind of bottle? What size of bottle? Fill it or leave it empty? Dry fill or wet fill? If I filled it, what color would it be? Then there were details like add a charm or not? If yes, which one? In the end, I had created 14 different bottles.


But there were three hats. How would I ever decide which potions would go with each hat? I finally decided I would make identical bottles for each hat. Once I determined what I was going to make, making a couple more the same way did not take that much more time.


I did have stuff everywhere in the house and on me as well. This question came to mind: Can I possibly have any more fun than this? I tried to choose a favorite bottle but only managed to narrow it down to these five.

          p&c_3    p&c_4    p&c_6


I intentionally kept all the photos in this post rather large so that if you click on them you can see the bottles better. Now that I’ve told you which my favorites are, which one of the fourteen is yours?

My thanks go out to Laura Carson at Artfully Musing for her great guidance throughout!



  1. I love the bottled ghost. Although I would not want the cork to come out. You have been one busy chick.

  2. Hi Kays Kids,

    Ha ha! I thought that one was pretty funny and you made me laugh about it too!


  3. *grabby hands* OMG, I LOVE TINY BOTTLES!!! This was once one of my projects in college, a mini apothecary 0_0

    1. Hi Heather,

      I guess you can tell I do too. I don't know where you went to school but I probably would have felt right at home there from the sound of it.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Love the witch hat project. Wonderful!

    1. Hi Martha,

      I appreciate it! So much fun to create!



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