Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hiking with Sebastian

Hi Everyone! Sebastian here. I thought I would take you on a little adventure I had recently. See this photo? It will all make perfect sense when we get to the end of our journey.


We began with a short hike through the woods on this trail. ‘We’ means someone was carrying me - as it should be. It was peaceful and quiet in the woods.


We passed this overhang and I thought maybe some elves lived up in there. I would have explored it but someone (I will not say who) did not bring my umbrella. It wasn’t raining on the trail but these rocks were dripping. It looked like a great place to play hide and seek.


Then we walked and climbed a little more. I love using the word ‘we’ even if I was going piggyback. Don’t you wonder where we are going?


I heard some loud noise like rushing water. I looked over to my right and saw this.


After a bit more hiking, I looked to my left and saw this. Isn’t that a great tree? I wanted to add it to my “Collection of Photos of Sebastian in Interesting Trees” but the rushing water was so loud that they didn’t hear my request.


Finally we got to where we were going! Isn’t this exciting? It is one of those off-the-beaten-path places that is really worth a trip. It is called Pearson’s Falls and they were quite lovely. I could have stayed all day lounging by the falls and looking up at the sky and dreaming.


This is me with the falls in the background. See how high they are? And I am told that the water was C-O-L-D! I didn’t dip my toe in to find out. That’s what I have people for.


Alas, I am not immune to a little bribery. I was told that I would get a cookie if I would let them take a photo of me sitting here. I agreed for two reasons – one, of course, being the chocolate chip cookie and the other was that these falls are only open February though December. Time was getting short!


There are loads of other photos but I liked these best and wanted to show them to you – you, my favorite virtual travelers. Then it was time to head back down the trail. I had the idea of trying to walk the railing until I heard that the railing didn’t go all the way back. I just carried on via piggyback.


Here are the last two things I am going to show you; one is because I like it and am thinking of asking for a copy to hang on my wall once I get one. The other one is because it is not only pretty, but because I am in it! Can you see me? I am right down there sitting on the rock.

hw_s_11     hw_s_12

I hope you enjoyed your virtual hike to Pearson’s Falls. If you ever come to visit my home state, you can see them for yourself in person.

With love,


  1. Sebastian, you are so lucky, doing a hike on piggyback! I wish I was there too. It's perfectly calm and scenic, and the waterfall's amazing. Glad you had a good time, and some pictures to hang on the wall.

    1. Hello Val!

      Wouldn't that have been fun?! All of us together trudging up the hills, over the rocks, through the woods? I think you would have enjoyed the falls and I would have enjoyed your company!


  2. Hi Sebastian,

    First, Toby says "hello" and "Merry Christmas".

    Wow, good thing you have the staff for all that hiking, can you imagine how tired your legs would have been?


    1. Hi Prudence,

      Give my best to Toby - great name you guys gave him! Merry Christmas to all of you too!

      Yes, it's good to have people who will carry valuables like me when the situation demands it. Plus, I think I provide them with loads of entertainment so it all works out.

      Happy Day!

  3. Well everyone knows that that's the only way to travel! We have staff for a reason! Glad you got your cookie after all that effort...



    1. Hi Jack,

      That makes me laugh every time I say it - hi-jack! You know it about - about staff that is. And I suppose the cookie was worth it but it would have been nice to have two!


  4. Oh Sebastian,
    I saw you immediately in the last picture before I read what you said about you being in it. I don't think you can ever hide from me. I love you to much.

    1. Hi Terri Sue,

      I should have known that you would be very keen of eye and see me right away. It's nice to have friends like that!

      Thank you so much for traveling with me on the hike!


  5. Hi Sebastian,
    Cor, that looked like a tociting adventure. I wish I could have come with you. I be'd having my own adventures way over here in cold, sunny Colorado. Yesterday we went to the very tiptop of Pike's Peak and that was very cold indeed and today we were at the Garden of the Gods. You'll be able to join me on those trips when I get home.

    1. Hi Jock,

      I would have loved to have had your company. I look forward to reading about your Colorado adventures. I've been told that if I was around just a little bit earlier, I could have seen Pike's Peak and the Garden of the Gods. I'm going to have to work on my timing!



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