Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Projects Ahead


Like most everyone who creates things, I look to the coming year and wonder what’s ahead in the studio. And like most everyone who creates things, I have some plans – perhaps not very definitive but I do have them.

pa_1(unfinished but I have made progress.)

Looking back at 2012, I am rather surprised at the twists and turns so I expect this New Year will be much the same in a different way. Or maybe it will be different in much the same way.

pa_2 (discovered these – now to sort out a plan.)

The promise of what’s ahead encourages me to get my head organized; my ideas sorted and begin working. There are some things I would like to try. There is always something I want to learn. And of course, there are a few stragglers - those projects that were pushed sideways when another one took priority.

pa_3 (on this one I wavered – perhaps it’s time to stop wavering.)

While straightening my studio for the fun ahead, I found some of those unfinished projects that I want to complete and became inspired on a few new projects I want to begin.

pa_4 (love, love, love these colors – must. not. get. sidetracked.)

Most of them involve teddy bears – I know you are so very surprised. Let me tell you, I myself was gobsmacked!

pa_5 (there is a plan attached to this one – from last Spring – I know.  I know.)

After all this time, one might begin to wonder is there anything that hasn’t been done but I am continually amazed at what my fellow artists create so perhaps there are a few things. I intend to give it my best shot.

pa_6 (this idea? it’s been waiting for me for-ev-er.  or it seems that way anyway.)

Inspiration seems to ooze with the start of a New Year so I’m hoping I can turn it into some tangible and fun things. Oh, and maybe with a little bit of a surprise.

pa_7 (just for the studio but useful I hope)

It’s either that or figure out a way to bottle that inspiration so it’s available later. I have a feeling that probably won’t be something I manage to accomplish. I might as well get started.

 (also from last Spring – maybe by this Spring?)

Finally, I would like to say to you, blog readers, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for reading, commenting when you have something to say and for the emails you send my way. I hope that when you stop here for a few minutes you leave with a smile or some inspiration. Welcome 2013!

signature      P.S. I wonder how many of these I will actually manage to finish?


  1. Can't wait to see what you do with all those 'findings'. See you at Hugglets end of Feb, hope you have some bears completed, as yet I have not even started creating!
    Wishing you all the best for 2013.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      I hope I will finish at least a few of these projects! I wish you much luck at Hugglets this February. I will not be there this year. I will miss seeing everyone! I wish you the best of luck at the show. Happy New Year!


  2. Wishing you heaps of inspiration in 2013! xx

  3. Good luck with your list of WIPs, I found 38 quilting/sewing related ones, and 2 bears - oops!

    1. Hi Katy,

      Thanks so much! It doesn't surprise me - this discovery of yours! You always seem to have loads of creations in process. May the New Year be kind to you!



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