Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday’s Thrill

This may not be a very high standard for living on the edge but I humbly submit my Thursday’s Thrill.

Transfers are my favorite way to add text to the edges of boxes. It’s a process that I’ve found cannot be rushed.

I try to wait a full 24 hours before peeling off the paper and revealing the words underneath. I love seeing the words gradually become clearer and clearer.

I fully realize the risk involved in this kind of behavior but sometimes you just have to take a chance. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!



  1. Hmm, we think this may not suit LT's breakneck approach to all crafts, hence she is unlikely to ever achieve the delicacy and detail that you do. She makes a mean cookie though...


    Jack & The Clan

    1. Hi Jack and The Clan,

      I'm sure you are very knowledgeable about the cookies. And please tell LT that she has the scales tipped in her favor on the detail in her quilting projects and in her enthusiasm too!


  2. Hi Ginger, I love the transfers you put on the boxes. Do you make them yourself or do you buy them.

    1. Hi Kays Kids,

      Thank you so much! I really do enjoy this aspect of the mixed media work. I do make them myself - each tailored to the specific item I am working on and the space that I want to put them in.

      Thanks for asking!


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