Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Some Details

Earlier today I was working with a friend on a project totally unrelated to anything you see here. As we were carefully lining up letters and committing ourselves to their positions with no ‘undo’ option, we mused about getting through it and hoping that we didn’t goof up our efforts at the very last.

And that is also where I am on my latest box project. I am hoping that I manage to finish it without making a giant faux pas near the end.

If all goes well, I will be able to show the box in its entirety before the weekend.

Let’s all cross our fingers shall we?

In the meantime, here are a few photos of some of the details I have been working on.

Just so you know my box making process is not a neat one. The areas I work in are a total wreck for the duration so that when I am finished, I am so – so – so ready to get everything straightened up again.

Knowing that is how it is going to be doesn’t deter me at all from beginning again. I just need a few days without tables covered in detritus and debris.

Somewhere in one of my notebooks or on one of many little pieces of paper are the ideas for my next box. I aim to get in there and see what it is. Before that happens I have a few teddy bears waiting for me to rescue them from limbo.



  1. si que has estado trabajadora , creo que lo de ir sacando cosas mientras hacemos otras para acabar con la mesa que no cabe nada mas es muy comun en la gennte como nosotros , espero que encuentres pronto esos cuadernos



    1. Hello mcddiss,

      It's good to know that I am not the only one! It will be easy to find the notebook and pieces of paper with the idea. It won't be so easy to resist starting again!

      Thank you for your comment!!!


  2. Every time this looks more exciting :0) I can tell already it's going to be fab! Xx

    1. Hi Elanor,

      I'm so glad you think so and I do hope you are right! What a great friend you are to have such confidence in me!


  3. Replies
    1. Hi Kay,

      Me too! I hope you like how it works in this piece too!


  4. Oooooo! It looks like it's going to be a winter wonderland! ...Or maybe I just LIVE in a winter wonderland so anything white reminds me of snow and ice. :-)

    Heaps of Hugs,

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      Living in a winter wonderland you must know what you are talking about. I sure miss seeing you and your girls and the photographer too! Stay warm in that winter wonderful-land!


  5. I always love seeing these things come together :)

    1. Hi Heather,

      It's fun for me too. It gives me a chance to evaluate where I'm going with an idea.

      Thanks so much!!!

  6. Oooh, with that pile of wood we do hop the new occupant doesn't get splinters in his bum!

    Jack & The Clan

    1. Hi Jack & The Clan,

      Ouch! That would be a prickly situation!


  7. How interesting, I'm waiting for that was the result)))

    1. Hi Tatiana,

      Photos of the finish will be coming next! Thanks for following along! :)



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