Sunday, April 28, 2013

I be mullin’.

Hi ho. Sebastian here. I’ve been mullin’. Mullin’. Contemplatin’. Ponderin’.

I found my spot in the new ve-hick-ul. It’s right in the middle of all the action. It’s a place where they can’t forget me easily either. Yep, I’m right there in the thick of things. In addition, this spot gives me time to think. I been doin’ a lotta thinkin’ lately. For some reason or other that seems to make ‘them’ nervous, but I can’t be bothered about that. I’ve got important things to sort out.


And these days, you-know-who has a few projects in the works. That means she’s pretty busy and the studio has stacks of various things all around. There were several clamps and glue and bits and pieces of debris everywhere. It seemed safer to take myself off to the kitchen and do some more ponderin’. I do my best ponderin’ when I’m riding my tricycle on the kitchen table. It’s one of those things I’m not supposed to do, but I go very slowly and think, think, think.

I’m pretty sure I’m getting a good idea. It’s kind of fuzzy right now, but if I play my cards right, it might be one of my better ones. Details – now that’s the sticky part. I guess I better get back to it. Wish me luck. If my idea comes together and goes according to plan, I’ll be back with photos.

love & hugs,

Friday, April 26, 2013

Minis of a Different Sort

A few weeks ago, my dear little faithful Mini Cooper of nine years decided all by itself that it wanted to retire. I thought perhaps a two week notice kind of thing would have been appropriate but in the world of automotive vehicles, there must be a different set of rules. Sigh. It was such a fun little thing to drive.

A replacement seemed to be the way to go. How fun is that? So we waited. And waited. Today it finally arrived so we went to meet it.

They take great care with the Minis over at our dealership so we had a good time anticipating saying hello. First we had to take a few ‘before the unveiling’ photos.




Ta-dah! There’s my new little faithful companion who is going to take us all kinds of interesting places! Post office, grocery store, fitness center, craft store . . . and maybe, from time to time, some place a bit more exotic.

Love this handmade sign!

Here we are with um . . . do I need to give it a name?

A huge thanks to Mike for all terrific assistance getting our new Mini and also to Merle and Maurice for your contributions too!

Time for me and Jay and Sebastian to go motoring!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

View from my Porch

This is the time of year that I really love – once the pollen goes away. I don’t know if it is ever any greener around here than it is in April.

We have some flowers that are blooming as well. It makes it a challenge to work in the studio when these are putting on a show.

I am partial to pink flowers . . .

until one of another color sprouts!

The azaleas and our columbine are the first ones to display their petals. I’m waiting for my bleeding hearts and the peonies to make their appearance soon.

When they do, I might have to take my bears and projects outside and pretend to work out there.  I’m also wondering if there is anything blooming in your neighborhood.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hello Monday!

Over the weekend, I ventured up to the post office with a few boxes. Inside the boxes were new friends for old friends - and maybe one or two new friends.


Clara was among my favorites. I’ve got some ideas on where I might take this design. I’m going to put them into the idea queue.


I have also spent some time around the web posting photos of bears and their friends that are available.

You can find them on my website by clicking here.


You can also see the same bears on bearpile – just click here.


Finally, they are also in my Etsy shop along with some other miscellaneous things. I keep adding things here and there when I find extras.


Speaking of boxes . . .

We decided we wouldn’t let a chilly breeze keep us from a trip to the Flea Market on Sunday afternoon. I decided ahead of time to be very careful about finding ‘treasures’. Only two very unique-to-me cigar boxes came home with us. I’m excited about the possibilities they evoke.


I have begun work on a project that I mentioned in this post at the beginning of the year. It’s going to be an extended one. I hope it will move along faster than I anticipate and I will post photos of progress – even if it’s slow progress!



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Let’s Take It from the Top Boys

Final preparations are under way for my online show. I’m excited I am finally able to introduce my new friends . . .


and to give my digits a rest from the needle and thread for a little while.


Perhaps I’ll take some time to enjoy the birds, the Spring weather and the wonderfully green leaves on the trees.


It might be time to take a coffee break too!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Art Stands by Sebastian

Can you guess where I am?


How about now?


Don’t these metal shapes look a bit like leaves on a tree?


How about these ring shapes? Remind you of anything?


If you look closely, you can see me perched on one of the rings of this tree sculpture.


Why is this sculpture significant? An 85 foot tall oak tree that was one hundred years old stood in this spot two years ago when a tornado took it and hundreds of other trees nearby.


This art called “Embrace” is a tribute to the old oak tree. Art stands where a lovely old tree once stood.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out this ‘tree’ and me!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

And then I get another idea.


If you read here now and again, you probably know that I am preparing for a show – an online show of my own. The way my mind works (we’re in uncharted territory here) is that I have a few plans for pieces I would like to create and then I start working.

Now you would think that this would keep my brain quite engaged enough without venturing down other paths but


actually what happens is that being wide open to make whatever I want, my mind starts jumping here and there with all kinds of thoughts. Little bits of notes and pieces of scrap paper start to accumulate with the “next” idea for a bear or friend or whatever.

If I were in my right mind (in reality I am because I’m a lefty but that’s neither here nor there), I would realize that there is no way – no w.a.y. – no way I will get them all completed. Does that have any impact on my aspirations? Heck no. I just stir all those little pieces of paper around on my desk; continue sewing and then I get another idea.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Promises to Keep

I do my best to keep my promises. Sometimes I am better at it than others. In any case, if you remember way back in February I had a giveaway for Tinsley.


I said I would reveal the contents of the box that went along with Tinsley to his new home once he arrived.


I did get word that after a long journey, Tinsley arrived at his new home in Chelyabinsk. It took him five weeks to get there! Whew! So what was in his striped box?

A selection of American style Valentine goodies. First there were the Conversation Hearts.

Then I included some tiny vintage styled miniature sized Valentines.

And lastly, some chocolate because well, it was a Valentine’s Day giveaway after all.

Sebastian and I think of Tinsley with great fondness in our hearts and know he is well loved in his new home.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Joining the assembly

of new little friends is this furry fellow.

I’m rather smitten. And that puts me in a predicament.
