Friday, April 26, 2013

Minis of a Different Sort

A few weeks ago, my dear little faithful Mini Cooper of nine years decided all by itself that it wanted to retire. I thought perhaps a two week notice kind of thing would have been appropriate but in the world of automotive vehicles, there must be a different set of rules. Sigh. It was such a fun little thing to drive.

A replacement seemed to be the way to go. How fun is that? So we waited. And waited. Today it finally arrived so we went to meet it.

They take great care with the Minis over at our dealership so we had a good time anticipating saying hello. First we had to take a few ‘before the unveiling’ photos.




Ta-dah! There’s my new little faithful companion who is going to take us all kinds of interesting places! Post office, grocery store, fitness center, craft store . . . and maybe, from time to time, some place a bit more exotic.

Love this handmade sign!

Here we are with um . . . do I need to give it a name?

A huge thanks to Mike for all terrific assistance getting our new Mini and also to Merle and Maurice for your contributions too!

Time for me and Jay and Sebastian to go motoring!



  1. I'm sure you'll have loads of fun going places with Jay, Mini and Sebastian. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Val,

      I think so too! Thank you for stopping by - as always!


  2. felicidades por ese nuevo mini, has escogido un color precioso, seguro que lo disfrutaras mucho



    1. Hi Mari,

      I love the color too. The getting-to-know-you part will be fun for sure.


  3. How exciting to have a new car. Your mini is so cute. I can just imagine Sebastian, going for his first ride. Smelling the new car smell.
    Happy Motoring.
    I do think you should name her!!!!!

    1. Hi Kay,

      It is rather exciting - a nice change from saying goodbye to the old one. How perceptive of you - remembering the 'new car smell'. Now for a name??!!


  4. Hi Miss Ginger,

    Congratulations, Mini is bee-u-tee-ful. WOW. I know Sebastian is going to be thrilled.

    I am at the beach and I know that Daisy Mae will be delivered to our house today, Mom had the mail stopped and timing was awful, 'cause we know who is waitin' for us. But we will get to meet her this afternoon (our mail comes really late). I am so excited, I am sitting in the SUV waiting for everybody to "get on the road". And we all know about being "left behind", don't we?

    Mom's SUV's name is Black Beauty, sometimes she calls her "Big Mama", giggle.

    Hi Sebastian, enjoy your new wheels.

    Heaps of Hugs,
    Prudence ♥

    1. Hi Prudence,

      Oh - the beach! That would be a nice place to be today! I hope you had some great fun! Yes, stay in the SUV because Daisy Mae is looking forward to meeting you! Be safe!


  5. Woo hoo hello little mini! Our mini Maxi says hello and wishes he didn't have to stay in the garage so long, (little does he know he might be on the road quicker than he thinks, my car is on the blink again)
    Anyhoo enjoy whizzing around in your new little friend :0)

    1. Hi Elanor,

      That's a great name for a mini! I don't know why that wasn't in my memory banks. I hope your car recovers quickly and cheaply. I told Jay I was going West today and he said I wouldn't get there in a day. So - maybe two days? Ha ha!


  6. Oooooo! How fun!! I can't wait to get a mini myself--but I'll have to wait a few more years while we pay for college. Enjoy!!


    1. Hi Cheryl,

      Yea - I know from which you speak! We've put one through and winding down on #2's college years. By the time you get one, it'll be so technologically advanced, you will probably just tell it where to take you and it will! It will be worth the wait I guarantee!


  7. That's so sad about your old mini... but the new one is just lovely!!!

    And... did you know there is a Barbie sized Mini? Does Sebastian need his own???

    1. Hi Heather!

      Thanks! We like it!

      I did not know about the Barbie mini!!!! I must check that out. Sebastian would be thrilled!

      Thanks for the info. What fun!


  8. Oh yes, he definitely needs a name. A mini couldn't possibly be female we think, definitely a low slung male...

    Jack & The Clan

    1. Hi Jack and The Clan,

      I just don't know what I would do without your valuable input! I must put my thinking cap on - as soon as I find it!


  9. Ah the smell of *new* car, nothing quite like it! Congrats on your new baby Ginger, she/he is gorgeous - happy motoring!

    My daughter informed me years ago that a Mini is the ONLY car she will consider driving! LOL! She will have to wait till she finishes college (Chapel Hill) first though, and hope to land a job soon after.

    Here's to a fantastic weekend!
    Ani in Wilmington

    1. Hi Ani!

      Thank you! We're excited!

      I think your daughter has excellent goals.... and you do too getting her through. My son graduated from there. He was a drum major for the marching band.

      Happy Weekend to you too.


  10. My first car was a Mini cooper and I still miss it. Congratulatitions with your new car.

    Greetings, Roelie

    1. Thanks Roelie! If my first car had been a mini, I would be on my 5th or 6th one now! ha ha!


  11. All the very best with the new car. It's good to think that something we produce can make it across the pond!
    We hope you and Sebastian have many miles of happy motoring together.
    Jock and Alan

    1. Hi Jock and Alan,

      Thank you so much! It came on a very, very slow boat. I almost began to think we could have swum faster from the UK! Ha ha! It's very cool to drive. You must come over and I'll take you for a spin.


  12. Congrats on your new x son in law has two minis.
    Mama Bear


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