Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What Happened on the Way to My Next Project

I have a couple of things in the works but there are other ideas I also want to get underway.

At the beginning of the year, I posted several photos of things I wanted to work on this year. The year is half over and I have completed about half of them. A total accident by the way.

Here they are in small, but enlargeable photos.

whotwtmnp_8   whotwtmnp_9whotwtmnp_10

I have been contemplating which project I should start on next.

I determined it would be the Mason jar idea when I just happened to peruse some others that I had lined up.

And one that wasn’t even a twinkle in my eye when I woke up this morning.

Wouldn’t you know it? That’s the one that has inspired me and moved the others down in the queue.

Now it looks like I will be researching how best to carry it out.

It’s kind of scary as failure is always a possibility. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I think my brain might be tired – perhaps it’s time to close the idea book for the night, rest my eyes and hope my dreams will inspire some new and unusual path to follow with this seed of an idea.

Goodnight Jim bob. (Anyone remember that one?)



  1. Looks like another fun project is brewing!

    Good night, John Boy

    : )


    1. Hi Tricia,

      Let's hope so!

      You tickle me - glad you got the reference too!


  2. Hope your dreams inspired you! I'm eager to see what you come up with next. :)

    1. Hi K. Joy,

      Thank you! It might have worked - I've been inspired to a more defined idea on the Mason jar. Not really what I intended but I'll grab them as they come along however and whenever they come!


  3. Good night Ellen,
    oooh a new idea, your's are always so interesting.

    1. Hi Ladytats,

      Well, we shall see. I hope it will be and thank you!


  4. ....and John Boy, and Erin, and Mary Ellen....
    Mama Bear

  5. Wooo su oso es una ternura , pero sus cajas todasssssssss son fantásticas, me encanta.
    Seguro que tendrá muchas más ideas después del descanso, es muy creativa:-)

    1. Hi Contrastes-Rosa Mª,

      Thanks so much! I'm glad you like the pieces I have created. Lots of ideas - so little time. :D


  6. oooooo looks like some fun is going to be had ... that wee lantern charm? is sooo cute and loved the waltons as a child too .... love mouse xxxxx

    1. Hi Mouse,

      I do hope it will be a bit of a creative adventure. I am enamored with the lantern charm too.

      Did you do the whole "goodnight" scene at your house? Once we saw the Waltons, we made a game out of it here.


  7. Magic lantern, bird cages, hot air balloons. ( my brain is not on the same wave length as yours. At least Not Yet..... a few more clues.

    1. Hi Kay,

      Maybe it will help to know that some of these things go together and some of them are pieces for different ideas. Part of that whole "I can't decide which to do first" mentality I have going on at the moment. You're pretty good at figuring these things out. Perhaps you are already ahead of me!


  8. Oh it's always the least expected things that leap to the forefront here! Unless I write myself scary lists and deadlines, like I did last night and scared the wits out of myself with all I need to do in the next 2 weeks before I go away again!


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