Thursday, October 17, 2013

Close at Hand

Topher can be kind of quirky sometimes. I have no idea where he could have picked that up. Not from me certainly. (Okay, well maybe I will admit to being a little tiny, teensy weensy bit quirky.)

He likes to be close at hand – literally.

“When I’m tired, I’m dog tired” says Topher.

On a different note, we are beginning to see a few signs of Fall here and there. With Fall, comes the fair and ours opens today. While this may not even be a blip on the radar for most people, in this house, being married to one huge State Fair aficionado, this is a BIG day.

The leaves weren’t really this color just so you know. I was messing about with the settings on my camera.

Of course, none of this makes any difference to The Toph when his bowl is empty.

I have an idea percolating but there isn’t anything to take a picture of just yet.  And that, my friends, is a peek into what’s going on here. Life changing I know.  Guess it’s time to find my walking-all-over-the-fair shoes.

Until next time,


  1. Topher is just the cutest little guy.... it's fun to watch his sweet antics..... along with Sebastian, of course!

    1. Hi Jeanie,

      He's quite a character that's for sure. I have to watch them carefully when they are together - as you can imagine!


  2. Oh, puppy dogs are so much fun, Topher is wanting to learn all about the "puter" so he can be the "bearbits Editior-In-Dog" Giggle.

    Have fun at the State Fair.

    Prudence ♥

    1. Hi Prudence,

      You are too funny! I imagine you and Topher would get along pretty well.


  3. Have a great time at the fair Ginger. Is Sebastian going?????

    1. Hi Kay,

      I think Sebastian is pretty sure he's going to go. He thinks someone with some sense should go just to keep all of us big kids in line. Now that's the pot calling the kettle black!


  4. Ok, that's it, cutest pup ever! What kind of dog is little Topher?

    1. Hi Heather,

      He does get quite a bit of attention when he's out and about. I think it's those crazy ears. Or not. Anyway, he is half poodle and half Chihuahua. I think he got exactly half of each! Some of his litter mates were curlier than he is so I guess you never can predict how a mix will turn out. He cracks me up!


  5. Oh Topher is so cute! One of our dogs likes to stay close to our hands - only he's a little bigger than Topher, so when he gets his chin on the keyboard things go a little haywire! :) Have fun at the fair!

    1. Hi K. Joy,

      I can imagine that! It reminds me of seeing a cat walk across the keyboard!

      Thanks - I hope we will!


  6. We hope you have all the fun of the fair :o)


    Jack & The Clan

  7. Topher is so very adorable. I love the fall leaves, makes me wish we had more of a fall down here in Florida. I'll live vicariously through your photos :)


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