Monday, October 28, 2013

Over for Another Year

Hi ho. Sebastian here with a fascinating tale of what I have been up to lately. As you know, because someone here told you, it has been State Fair time.

And since I have been around, they don’t go without me anymore. In fact, if there is the slightest hint that they might leave me behind, I only have to remind them of the time they left me at home when they went to Disney World and well . . . enough said.

Anywho, the fair is over for another year, but it was a good one for the most part. That’s what I am going to focus on. Speaking of focus, I think I am in focus in most of the photos, but you’ll understand the odd one or two where I’m a little bit fuzzy and not because of my fur. It probably had to do more with fair food overload of the photographer. We won’t say who she is.

I hope these photos will give you a feel for our fair. It is so varied that these are just little itty bitty glimpses of various parts of the fair and they do not even make a big dent in all that goes on there.

I thought we could play one of my favorite games here on bearbits. It’s called “Where is Sebastian now?” First I will show you a close up photo of me that doesn’t have many clues and you try to guess where I am – besides “the fair”! Then I will show you the answer. You guys are pretty smart so I don’t think it will be too hard, but there might be one that will get you to thinking.

We’ll start with an easy one.  Can you guess where I am?

If you guess the largest watermelon of the year, you got it right!  Not everyone gets to go behind the ropes, just so you know.  Only certain people and the occasional furry bear called Sebastian.

Okay, now that you know how this game is  played, take a shot at this one.  I don’t think you will be able to figure it out, but give it a try.

Did you guess me with Smokey the Bear?  No?  Well, I will give you another chance.

I think this one is really hard, but take a wild guess.  You never know you might be right.

Did you guess correctly?

These birds were huge but not real, so it was not quite as scary.

Okay, the only reason I am including this next photo is because I am in it.  I am not sure what the significance of this huge chair is but what does one do when one comes across a giant chair?  It begs to be sat in, I think.  There are some folks who know this isn’t the first time giant chairs have been here on bearbits.  I wish I knew why they keep cropping up but alas, I am still pondering on it.

And that my friends, is some of what we saw.

Now I am one tired teddy.  I hope that you enjoyed this tiny tour and will come back again when I have another tale to tell.

love and hugs,


  1. I love that you take your teddy bear with you to events. My sister and her daughter take their bears all over as well. Ever been to Clarion's teddy bear show? I do more collecting then making :)


    1. Hi Sandy,

      Sebastian said this was a question that I was better suited to answer. I have been to Clarion and that is where Sebastian first traveled and when he became a traveling bear. It was a fun show!

      Thanks so much,

  2. esa feria es impresionante , gracias por compartirla , veo que Sebastian se lo ha pasado mas que bien en la feria ,



    1. Hi Mari,

      It's so nice of you to stop by and say hello. Sebastian was pretty good most of the time. I had to keep him away from the cotton candy or as some people call it, candy floss. It was way too sticky for him to have any! :D


  3. Hi Sebastian! You sure surprised me with these giants! They are your friends? ;)

    1. Hi Kikka,

      Yes, they are quite tall aren't they? That comes in handy since my eye level is very low. They are pretty good about putting me up where I can see things. Yep, those are my friends!


  4. Hi Sebastian,

    Thank you for sharing, I go two "where is Sebastian" wrong. Smokey & the birds. You are good at that game, very, beary clever.

    (18 more days 'til I am in NC. Yippee!)

    1. Hi Prudence,

      I hope you enjoyed playing my game! I tried to make it a little bit more difficult this time because I like a challenge myself!

      I am glad that you will be coming here soon! I hope you will like living next to some of nature's bears!


  5. HI Sebastian,

    That certainly looked like good fun. Next year can I come? I aspose I'll have to persuade himself to take me over the pond, but maybe.



    Eh, what. Excuse me? Sorry bears that won't happen, well not next year. Maybe we will meet up someday, but next year you're off to India my furry friend.



    1. Hi Jock, my friend,

      It was loads of fun. It would be nice to meet you sometime even if I have to wait until after you have been to India. I am depending on you to take lots of good photos and share them where I can see them because I am not likely to get to India in the foreseeable future.

      I know you live an exciting life there Jock and I love seeing your photos from all around the globe!

      Until next time,
      hugs from your friend,

  6. Sebastian ... what fun you have !! I loved this trip .

    1. Hi Willow,

      I am so glad you enjoyed it. One night it was so cold that I wouldn't come out of the warm pocket I was in!


  7. What, no fair food?! You need to go on strike!


    Jack, Boo and The Clan

    1. Hi Miss Katy and Jack and Boo and The Clan!

      I know! It's rather awful isn't it? Well, at least they think I didn't get any. I was in charge of guarding it while they did things that I wasn't interested in. Let's just say they might think they are being given smaller portions - ha ha. It all works out - we're all plenty full of stuff that we shouldn't be eating! If you all come to our fair, I will show you the best places to indulge!


  8. Sebastian, what a great fair you went to. Wow, oh wow, that watermelon was just a little bit HUGE. You could almost play slippery dips on it.
    Hugs Wilbur

    1. Hi Wilbur,

      It was pretty great - one of the best in the country. Yep that was one big watermelon and I don't know about slippery dips but it sounds like lots of fun. Is it?


  9. That was fascinating! Thank you for the mini tour. We were with you in spirit for a while there.

    1. Hi montyandrosie!

      I'm glad you had fun! I really like sharing places I have been and meeting new furry faces!



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