Sunday, August 17, 2014

TBAI 2014 –Part 1

So much happened at TBAI over the last few days, I think the best way to recount the events is in the order they occurred. And if you are a fan of artist teddy bears, hang on because in my next few posts there will be lots of them featured.

TBAI celebrated its 20th anniversary this year! From one year to the next I think it really can’t get any better and then it always does. Cindy Malchoff and her committee do a terrific job of organizing a wonderful event. We arrived Thursday night just in time for the masked ball gala and there were some really cool masks. I only photographed a few which you can see below. It was a super fun evening!

Now it’s time for me to sort through a few boxes and put everything back in its place.  I’ll be back with more bear photos from TBAI.

Until then,



  1. Even with a mask we can tell which one is you Ginger. I bet is was a great weekend.
    Hugs kay

    1. Hi Kay,

      Yes, it's too difficult to recognize people. I thought it was going to be hard but smiles always give people away!


  2. no paras un solo dia , veo que te lo pasas genial y ademas lo compartes , me encantan esas mascaras , son fantasticas



    1. Hi Mari,

      I wish I could have gotten photos of everyone because there were some great ones that I missed! I think you would have enjoyed seeing them. It was loads of fun!


  3. We're so glad to see the bears all got in on the mask action too!


    Jack, Boo & The Clan

    1. Hi Jack, Boo & The Clan,

      You guys would have had a great time. It'll come around again next year at this time. Perhaps if you start working your magic on the staff there, they'll arrange for you to participate!


  4. Hey Sebastian, Is that you with rabbit ears? Twice too, cool bear that you are. Or else was it a myskery bear perhaps that might have been you. Bet it was, you can't fool us. That's another thing for your collection box. It would be great driving around in your mini wearing that tee hee.


    Jock, Zeke, Ruby and Tom

    1. Hi Guys,

      Sebastian says to tell you that it was him but he expected that his close friends would be able to guess correctly. And his collection box is getting quite full. You wouldn't think such a small bear could have so many bits and pieces and things to wear! The trip in the mini would definitely be memorable.

      ~ginger & Sebastian


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