Friday, February 12, 2016

Heartfelt Valentine Box

I saw this glass heart ornament on a recent trip down memory lane – in a way. We took a day to revisit a city where we used to live. I ventured into a sweet little shop and found it waiting. I had no idea what I would do with it at the time.


Once home I deposited it on my desk where I saw it every day until it occurred to me that it really should be part of a special Valentine piece.  I started with this unfinished box.

I added a texture of swirls and curves – just right for Valentine’s.

Then it was time to take the plunge and cut the hole for the glass heart.

And a sweet little frame to go around it.

Then it was time for paint.  This is how I began.

Some transferred quotes for the edges and another frame for the inside.

The next few days I spent working on the itty bitty details for the inside including these well recognized candy heart boxes.


The next project was making some heart-shaped boxes (for chocolates!)


I spent quite a bit of time cutting out teeny weeny hearts – 72 in all.

There were also some tiny children’s Valentines and Victorian valentines – my favorite.

I had been saving this ornate heart-shaped frame – now I know why.  It was the perfect spot for it.

Here is the Heartfelt Valentine box completed.

The Front


The Inside


The Left Side


The Right Side


The Bear that Lives Inside . . .


(or perhaps just stands in front!)


If you want to see larger photos of this piece, check out this link:

To all of you – Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!



  1. que bonito trabajo , me encanta



  2. So sweet! I love how we collect bits and pieces, just knowing that they will be the perfect ingredient some day. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Sebastian!

  3. Wonderful. Prudence is busy helping paint our craft room (poor hubby) but she sends hugs and a Happy Valentine's Day wish to Sebastian.

    It's brutal up here, frigate cold, winds gusting to 40 mph. Stay warm and safe.

  4. I think I'm in love. It is just precious Ginger.


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