Saturday, May 30, 2009

Finally, I think I might be trendy.

I have to go back to my high school days to tell this story. I was never one of the cool kids. I dated a guy that by today’s standards would be considered a geek so he wasn’t very ‘in’ either. He grew so fast his jeans were never long enough. I made him a shirt once (you know I sewed . . .) and by the time I finished, the sleeves were too short. If his glasses broke, tape made for a good temporary fix. He was thrilled when pocket calculators came out and was eager to take a new class in data processing. He was a fan of any movie or show that had to do with stars –

Star Trek or

Star Wars.

The Green Lantern was his favorite Superhero.

But he was funny . . . and interesting and friendly with lots of different kinds of people. He had a curiosity about new things. He made a really great best friend. He was a terrific listener and didn’t mind my ‘Suzy Homemaker’ hobbies. You can see why we were far from being a fashionable couple. He continued to study computers and math. Even so, he was never boring. His enthusiasm for even what seemed like mundane things was contagious.

So contagious that marrying him seemed like a really great idea. Not only that, I loved him fantastically. So that’s what I did.

And I can tell you this guy hasn’t changed much. He still looks at a slide rule with a sense of nostalgia,

tosses off technical terms nonchalantly as if I might know what the heck he is talking about and leaves me dazed when I asked him to explain how the computer works. He gets a kick out new gadgets and the possibility of futuristic devices.

He likes solving computer problems. But best of all, he still makes me laugh. He’s still my best friend and he’s still a geek, but geeks seem to be quite the fashion these days. Finally, I think I might be trendy.

Happy Anniversary Babe!


  1. Oh you are one Lucky girl!!! But you know we love your J!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. Looks like he hasn't changed much at all - still sports a moustache. Happy anniversary to you both.

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both!!! Have a super weekend!
    Margaret B

  4. Happy anniversary you two! And you are right Ginger ,Jay does make for a good friend, but then so do you! Wishing you both all the best that you always give everyone else.

    Hugs and joy to you, Darllene

  5. Happy Anniversary. What a great story! Hugs from Vicki and the bears

  6. Ohh such a lovely story of your courtship... Happy Anniversary!

  7. Happy Anniversary you two lovebirds! Pretty wedding photo Ginger. You looked so lovely...still do!

    And, well, what we can see of him...he looks lovely too!!
    Wonderful story,
    Hugs, Nancy

  8. Thank you all for your good wishes! This post was a surprise for him. That's what happens when you marry an unpredictable woman!

  9. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! May you have at least 50 more! Actually your DH looks better now than he did when you married him! Quite a hunk and even better that he is smart. You make a beautiful couple! And, congrats to your graduate, too.


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