Sunday, May 31, 2009

How many times does it take to get it right?

I used to quilt. In fact, before the bears were the quilts. Although, I started with both the same way: just decided one day I’d like to give it a try. With the quilts, I had chosen to make one for our bed. (No, Ginger, let’s not start with something small like a pillow. That would make too much sense. Let’s just go all out and make a huge Log Cabin design.)

Not a single lesson, not a single mentor, not a single lick of sense. (There’s just no denying the facts.)

But I completed it, promptly forgot all I had been through, and then decided our 2nd bedroom needed one as well. I chose a Double Wedding Ring pattern this time. (I am a glutton for punishment.) Eventually these adventures led me to a local quilt shop where I discovered like-minded people, classes, and beautiful fabrics.

And that was that – until the bears came along.

But I never gave up my appreciation for quilts, the work that goes into them, and the fabrics. Some things you just can’t shake.

Day 1
(#1) So, when I heard the local quilters’ guild was hosting a quilt symposium, I drove right down to see the quilts and visit the vendors market. (No problem parking! That’s weird.) Well, it turns out I was too early. (Note to self: Check the opening times before leaving next time.)

Day 2 – Morning
Checked times. Market open. Show open.
(#2) Parking definitely a challenge – a good sign. Many lovely things to look at, quilts, fabrics, patterns. (Oops! Got to go – another appointment. I’ll have to come back.)

Day 2- Afternoon
(#3) “I think I missed a couple of vendors earlier – like the one with the silk ribbon and shiny threads. I’ll only be a minute.” (Yes, he knows a minute in ribbon-looking time is longer than 60 seconds.)

Day 3 – Morning
(#4) “I thought about it overnight and after searching the Internet, no one seems to have that brand new fabric yet. I can just run in really quick and get a small sample to try.”

Upon leaving the show, I find him sitting in a rocking chair in the shade of a deep porch on the front of one of the old buildings on the campus, exchanging the occasional hello with the ladies walking by. Yep, that’s my guy, the patience of a saint.

How many times does it take to get is right? It looks like 4 this time.

A few photos:


  1. I didn't think there was two of us in this world. We are very much alike. The world just doesn't understand. So many little time. LOL Sharon

  2. You make me laugh, but it really does sound like you enjoyed yourself! And those are some great pictures... the last quilt really makes me want to rev up the sewing machine and get busy!

  3. My first quilt in 1971 was like that. I just wanted to use up some scraps my mother-in-law gave me. I had no idea what I was doing. There were only THREE books in the library and they were mostly historical, but I got the basics. No internet then either and I lived out in the country with 2 babies and a working husband who drove the only car we had. LOL! Good memories though and I got the quilting bug tho I haven't quilted in several years now. Still got one in the works that I really need to finish. Like you, I do love to go look at them and marvel and get inspired.

  4. Your energy & talent & vision amaze me. Wonderful ... TTFN ~ Marydon


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