Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lizzie Fern

My grandmother was a country girl. She lived there all her life and appreciated the simple things. Well into her 90’s, she lived alone until it became necessary for her to have someone available to help her at any time if it was needed. Before she moved into long term care, she was concerned about a much beloved fern – a plant that had become a favorite of hers. She asked my aunt, my mom’s sister, to look after it. And she has – since before 1989 when my grandmother passed away.

This was something I learned when I attended a family reunion this weekend and read a charming handwritten note about ‘Lizzie Fern’. You see, Lizzie was short for Elizabeth, my grandmother’s name. So my aunt named the plant Lizzie Fern. She set out a few divisions of the fern and offered them to grandchildren who had an interest in having a bit of Lizzie Fern.

I do not have a natural propensity for plants and growing things, but I am optimistic, romantic, and hopeful. So I gently placed my baggie of Lizzie Fern in our vehicle for the ride back home. Here she is after her arrival. I am hoping that one day she will be a lush, green plant in need of new and bigger digs in which to thrive.

For now, she is adjusting to life here in North Carolina. Her fronds are crossed that things bode well for her future with us. I think she really wants to show her potential. We would welcome any advice you might have for me or Lizzie. In the meantime, I will keep company with her on the porch for a while.


  1. This is wonderful! I have had my Mother's prayer plant since 1989 & she had it for probably another 30 years before that, or more. I love that plant ... Mother loved watching it open in the morning & close at night as if in prayer (hence the name). It always worries me that something might happen to it. Enjoy! Memories are wonderful ... TTFN ~Marydon

  2. That is really cool! Not only to have a fern (they are really easy) but that it was your grandmothers!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Such a wonderful story! i am trying again to grow a fern just like that, a Maidenhair, I think. I used to be a florist, but we work with cut flowers and sadly I do not have a green thumb. I'll keep in touch and watch how well yours grows.
    Margaret B

  4. i hope the fern grow up strong and beautiful.


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