Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Taking the Dream Out of the Box - Finally!

How determined are we to Take the Dream Out of the Box? Some already have and do it over and over again every day. You know who you are. And you INSPIRE me! Others may be a little hesitant, but we’ve learned we’ve all got what it takes. We just need to tap into our resources. Is it magical and mysterious? Are only a few ‘gifted’? Or nuts?

Dorothy's lesson from The Wizard of Oz:

In other words, you already have what it takes: a certain fearlessness and willingness to play, to use your imagination, and to make stuff up. It takes trusting your own intuition and being persistent, passionate and courageous. It takes looking at the world with new eyes and a curious mind.

I promised I would share with you where I got the inspiration for the title of this series. It came from an article written a while back that I clipped from the newspaper. You can read it here.



  1. This was a great post. I made a copy of Erma's article to frame. When things are not going as planned I shall reread that article. I so enjoy your posts. Sharon

  2. Hi Sharon, I'm glad that you enjoyed the article. I re-read it myself from time to time to keep me inspired. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Ginger, thank you, thank you, thank you!! YOU are an inspiration. I am 54 and have in the last six months taken all my dreams out of the box (for the first time in my life). I wrote a short story, I am making bears, crafting and have in the last week started a challenging full-time career. I love my life again!

    Pat xx

  4. Wow, Pat! You should have written this post! I am impressed and certainly motivated by your success at following through. Yea for you - I better get hoppin'!

  5. Hi Ginger,
    I loved the post. What a uplifting message for anyone wondering about their life and what difference they can make. I often wonder what it would be like just to let that box open wide and see what happens !!! WOW !!!


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