Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Only one weeks remains –

before the drawing for my giveaway! It’s hard to believe how quickly these last few weeks have passed. I’m so excited to finally be able to send Posy off to a new life. Thank you all so much for your kind and generous comments. We are making sure those who entered my last giveaway will be entered twice and those who posted links to my giveaway will be entered an additional 5 times. The winner’s first name and state or country will be posted here next week. Good luck to you all!

And if you haven’t entered yet, what are you waiting for?! There’s still time!


  1. Awwww! Someone's going to find a happy new home ... adorable little one. TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. Keeping my Fingers crossed!! They hurt a little so I'm glad it's only a week left!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Posy I am waiting for you. I have honey and grams waiting. We can have a party. "Are we there yet!!!!!" Love that Posy. Sharon

  4. It would be an absolute honour to have beautiful Posy in my hug!

    Pat xx
    Johannesburg,South Africa

  5. I keep coming back to see the countdown for the wonderful drawing of posy. How exciting~~

    Can't wait to see who going to be the lucky winner!!! Hope it's me. LOL



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